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Dice p.o.v
I woke up on the devils bad and yawned , I sat up and felt a little pain shoot into me "ow!" I whimpered , I looked down and stomach was already starting to get round! I heard the devil call for me and open the door , I look up and see he had a huge basket , it was filled with baby things "demon babies need care too" he smiled at me when I giggled , he teleported close to me and rubbed my stomach "what're doing?" "My little child has already made himself comfy~" I blush and felt a strong sense to hit him , he noticed
My look and rubbed my stomach , I made a loud and I mean Loud moan. I blushed and looked at him with 'innocent' eyes "yep , that's a demon child" " can you determine?" "Because a demon child takes over the moms stomach area and it makes the stomach very sensitive so you won't do something bad or someone touches you there , if someone touches you there , it makes you moan or squeak , to show that person your sensitive" " the fuck are they like that?!" "Because they just are" I felt my stomach and nothing happened "SEE! It doesn't do that!" "It didn't do it because it knew what you were trying to prove, those babies are smart , don't under estimate them" I growled and noticed my stomach g-growing! "Why the hell is it-?!" "It wants more room" I whimper and I feel my hubbys lips on mine, I purred and kissed his neck. He put his hand on my stomach again with a little force and I moaned out in pain "sorry baby..just wanted to see.." I crawl away on the large bed and I feel the devil get between my legs and rub "a-ah~ please nooo~" "shush~ let me make you feel nice~" I rocked against his hand as you rubbed my manhood , I whimpered louder and feel a sharp kick in my stomach "OW!" He stopped "the baby doesn't like it.." ".." he snarled and kissed me , I felt his arms wrap around me and I purred "will my little baby make my stomach bigger" "it doesn't take long for demons to be born , on like 4 months!" "Really?!" "Yeah, but that also means stuff in the 3rd month will start happening" I nod and feel another kick "babe! It's kicking me!" "Must want more room...." he put his hand on my stomach and rubbed , I moaned softly and the kicking started to stop , I felt the devil place a kiss on my lips "What does it want" "stay calm..they don't like a lot of moving or rocking" I nod and watch him put both of his hands on me and gasp when I feel a kick "aww! It's gonna be a fighter!" I whimpered and rolled over , he chuckled and kissed my cheek "love , whatever you do , don't fall or do something to hurt the baby, no smoking and no drinking " "you know I don't drink or smoke" "you drink sometimes , and no foods unless I allow you to eat it , we have to be gentle with your baby and your body" I nod and feel a soft kiss placed on my head , I wonder how people are going to react to me getting pregnant...or...AM I GONNA NOT BE ABLE TO WORK?! I mean the devil is already telling me to ask what to eat and trying to control me...maybe he doesn't want the baby to stress out , I don't know! Ugh , maybe he should let me do it , just to have fun! I get up and breath loudly while taking steps , I can already feel it , in my gut!....literally I walk to the stairs and see the devil getting on the stage and grabbing the microphone...WHAT IS HE DOING?! I listen to what he has to say and I'm so shocked I can't believe him! "Hello everyone, it's nice to see your faces again...I have an announcement about our very own manager Mr.King Dice , he is pregnant-" I heard people gasped , some laugh and some woman look heart broken "he's carrying my child and if you fuck with him or OUR baby I will personally have a "talk" with you." It even sent chills in my spin...I wonder how they will respond to me..ugh..
740 words!

King dice x Devil Where stories live. Discover now