Meanwhile, across town..

Regina sat in thought, pushing her salad around with her fork but not really eating it. The phone rang and she picked it up after a few rings, "Mayor Mills." She husked in a crisp voice, raising an eyebrow as she waited for another voice to come over the phone.

"Oh yes, Mayor?"

No shit.

"Mmm" Regina mumbled lazily, laying her free hand on her thigh. He was surly about to drown on about something so boring, so Regina tuned most of it out until she heard Emma's name.

"What was that about Miss. Swan?" She gritted through her teeth.

"She is scheduled to be here in Boston at 5pm tomorrow night...I'm sorry were you unaware?" The older gentleman mumbled. "We are obligated to remind the Mayor if we borrow her sheriff... She told us she mentioned it to you." Regina didn't want to sound like a damned fool so she played dumb. "Oh yes! Absolutely, darling. She talked to me about this yesterday." Regina gripped her thigh viciously, leaving angry red lines where her finger nails were.

"Thank you for your time Mayor Mills."

Regina hung up the phone so fast you'd think her hand was on fire. She couldn't believe this....she knew her and Emma weren't really communicating the way they should be, but this was a new level. Just leaving the state without a single word or warning!? She was sure if she hadn't found out, Emma would've just casually told her as she was packing. That reminded long was this trip.

Later that night, Regina walked in, slamming the door behind herself. She looked to her right and scoffed, seeing the same lunch she had packed Emma...still there. Her heels clicked against the floor as she walked up to it furiously, opening the trash and chucking it on top of the other paper lunch bags. "EMMA SWAN-MILLS!" Regina bellowed through the house. Emma looked towards the stairs from the bedroom and walked towards the yelling. "Emma Swan." She corrected which sent a pang of hurt through Regina.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she crossed her arms over her steam pressed dress. "When were you going to tell me you're going to Boston?" She growled out, looking up the stairs at Emma. Emma groaned out loud and threw her hands in her pockets, going down to meet Regina. "Tonight... I have to leave by eight pm." The blonde mumbled. "You're such an ass..." Regina whispered, causing Emma to roll her eyes and walk off into the kitchen.

"I need some time to just think, be alone!"

"You're always alone!" Regina pressed. "You don't let me touch you, sleep beside you, you throw out the lunches I make you and leave before even saying goodbye! Hell, you haven't kissed me in over two months." Regina whimpered out of breath.

"And who's fault is all that?" Emma shot back, cold.

"Just go." A silent tear slid down Regina's cheek, Emma sighed and walked straight upstairs grabbing her duffel. "How long is this trip." Regina whispered, trying not to let her voice waver. "I'll be at my mom's." She sighed, walking past Regina... and Regina spoke up again. "How long?!"

"Three weeks..." Emma grumbled before the door shut in Regina's face. "Oh my god..." Regina whimpered and shook her head, falling to the ground with a loud thud.

It was 9:30 pm and Emma was officially on the road, she hadn't called Regina to say goodbye or anything....she needed some space and seeing Regina every day hurt to much. The thought of touching her when she knows some man had his..hands, his dick..who knows where..made her physically Ill. She didn't expect Regina to be okay with this, but she expected her to at least try to understand.

Back at the house Regina was a mess...she had barely eaten anything and Henry was extremely worried. He wasn't around that much, always with his grandparents..he loved spending time with them, but for these three weeks...he couldn't bring himself to leave his mom, he didn't even want to go to school though Regina made him! And that's when she'd self destruct...she wouldn't tell her son what was happening between her and Emma, she figured it would only hurt him...and that wasn't necessary.

Regina had lost a lot of weight...almost 30 pounds which for Regina...was a lot when she only weighed 140 to begin with, her curves were much less visible, her boobs had shrunken from a C 36 to a B 34...her cheeks weren't as filled with light and weren't colored at all...she hadn't showered in five days.
Emma hadn't called at all.....

In Boston, Emma was living to the best of her abilities...she went out to bars occasionally but mostly stayed focused on her work. She hoped Regina was okay but she just...couldn't bring herself to call even though she knew what she was doing wasn't fair anymore, you can only punish someone for so long...she realized she'd been really doing this all wrong, making this so much worse than it has to be...she slowly stood up from her desk and sighed, looking at her then boss. She picked up her red leather jacket and shrugged. "I have to go home..."  She mumbled without saying another word.

It was almost eleven at night when Emma walked in, she heard a small whimpering noise coming from the upstairs bedroom and for some reason flashbacks shot through her, she ran up the stairs and gasped loudly at what she saw. "What the fuck." She whispered and Regina's eye's bounched up. "Emma!" She sobbed and stood up on wobbly legs, it took all Emma had to not let out a loud sob. "What have you done..." Emma whispered and picked Regina's naked body up with such ease it was scary. Regina had finally showered and was starting to get dressed when Emma walked in. Regina clung to Emma as if her life depended on it...this was the first time Emma had touched her this close at all since she came back home. "You're here!" Regina cried and sobbed against Emma's neck, clinging to her. She never wanted to let go

"Get on the scale..." Emma whispered, not even able to meet Regina's gaze. "What?" She mumbled in shock and quickly shook her head. "You'll be disgusted..." She cried and hugged herself. That brought such pain to Emma's heart and she shook her head. "I couldn't ever be disgusted by you. I'm just so worried....come on baby." She whispered that four letter word for the first time in six months and it somehow comforted the brunette, in some sick way. Regina slowly got up on the scale and squeezed her eyes closed. "So?" She groaned.

"Baby.." Emma cried and gently took Regina in her arms, "fuck...I've been so horrible to you! And all you're trying to do is..mend us. You're just being you. Incredible!" Emma's tears dripped on to her shirt.

"What did it say.." Regina whispered in a somber tone. " 114 pounds..." Regina looked down in embarrassment and sighed. "I've missed you..." Emma nodded and pulled Regina into her, kissing her with passion. "Baby let's get you better okay? Let that be our next focus." Emma picked Regina up and carried her to their bed. "kiss me please?" She whimpered, her body shaking lightly as the cold air hit her. Emma slowly moved them both under the blankets and sighed. "I love you. I'm so sorry.."
" I'm the sorry one..." Regina whispered, and Emma slowly ran her hands over Regina's not so filled out figure, feeling each rib as she traced over it. "Babe..." Regina closed her eyes and shook her head, gasping as Emma's hand slowly worked it's way up her thigh slowly and cautious. Emma smiled as Regina eagerly opened her legs more, wanting more. "please.." Regina groaned and Emma's finger tips slowly met warm, wet flesh. Regina gasped and arched her back high off the bed.
"It's all going to be okay now....I promise baby.."
"Mmm" Regina moaned softly. Emma leaned down and kissed Regina hard, passionately and slowly moved down her body until she heard Regina's body shake with tears. "I-im sorry! I- no please don't stop.." she whimpered, trying to stop her tears. "Come here, come here..." Emma mumbled, holding her so close."
They both slowly drifted off, their bodies pressed close together as they snuggled in for the night with their heads resting against one another, Emma had a small smile on her face as Regina slowly pushed her lips against Emma's neck...they had a lot of work to do but they would get through it together.

Thank you so much for reading!!! Please comment and vote. Means a lot!

SwanQueen Madness.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora