One Argument equals New Trust

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~Third POV/Narrator~

Kyoya Gaen shows up in front of Gaito and the others and gives his regards to you. Making the fighter and his monster confused, to say the least.

Abigail: "Umm.. Ms. (Y/Ln). How do you know Kyoya Gaen?"

(Y/n) was having a hard time thinking of an answer to Abigail's question.

(Y/n): "Well you see Abigail Mr. Gaen here is the one who paid in fold my trip here."

Both the boy and the monster looked at her in utter confusion and worry.

Gaito: "Listen (y/n). It be in you destiny not to get involved with him. Trust me."

All the girl did was put on a blank expression and said, "What makes you say that?"

This made Gaito and his monster even more confused.

Gaito: "Trust me. You're better off."

The girl was in utter shock, not because of the answer, but the aditude behind it.

~(Y/n) POV~

I think I'm going to clobber this kid. He's really starting to piss me off, and not in a good way.

Gaen: "Now, now. Let's not start a 'war' just yet.~"

I think he's just trying to find a reason to Serenade me from destroying this weirdo.

Gaito: "How exactly did you meet the menacing Kyoya Gaen." I felt a bit peed by that, "It'd be your 'Destiny' to answer truthfully." Okay now I'm really ticked. Kyoya caught on to.

Gaen: "How about I answer the question Gaito?~" He looked at me and gestured me and (b/n) to sit. "My dear (y/n) and (b/n), do try to contain your anger, while we discuss.~" I sighed while sitting on a bench, then replied, "Very well Kyoya. Have it your way." I had no freaking choice but to sound innocent. Can't have people think I'm a 'thug'.

(B/n): "But do know Mr. Gaen, that one wrong word, might end not so well~." I look down at (b/n) and laughed.

Gaen: "Well now we'll have to see now won't we~."

I looked up at his face, and so did (b/n), Abigail, Vortex hair, and (b/n) and I started to laugh again, making Kyoya sweatdrop and the other two confused as heck.

Abigail: "*whispers* Gaito I want to get to know them..."

~Gaito's POV~

Abigail: "*whispers* Gaito I want to get to know them..."

I looked at Abigail confused, when I saw him staring at the laughing monster in front of us. Then it hit me of why he said that.

Gaito: "*sigh* No need Kyoya." I stood up and the laughter ceased, "We'll just have to find out on our own time." To my surprise Kyoya was shocked, and (y/n) laughed again this time pointing her index finger at Kyoya.

Gaen: "Very well. If you think you can handle this 'laughing stock' sitting here..." It was quiet as I looked over to see a ticked off girl. Kyoya walked up to me, as if he was going to make a threatful statement, "Then I'll wish you the best of luck.~"

"Hey Kyoya!" My attention was caught by the (h/c) haired girl that stood up.

(Y/n): "Who the are you calling a 'laughing stock'." I look at her in surprise, "Cause if you ask me, your Cackling..." She paused trying not to laugh, "TAKES THE CAKE! HAHAHA"

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