An Early Issue equals Early Problem

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Lyra was told by the mini monsters that they would eat if Lyra walked them back to Gaito and gang. As they walked over Lyra heard a surprised question.

~Lyra's POV~

???: "So Lyra, what was this favor of yours?"

I was suddenly stunned by the surprised question that was just ask directly to me.

Lyra: "huh?!"

Baku: "yeah bro, what's your favor?"

Lyra: "why're you interested in it now? Are not all of you 'still' suspicious of me?"

Kuguru: "I don't see any reason to find you suspicious, right?"

Tasuku: "I see no reason to place you under suspicion either."

Bal: "No reason bal." the others agreed with Kuguru and Tasuku, even Gao.

Baku: "yeah bro, if you can pack a huge sack of food the size of an baby elephant, than there's no need for suspicion bro."

Gaito: "'Destiny' has blessed you with understanding people."

Abigail: "Gaito this has nothing to do with 'Destiny'."

Gao: "well you did bring the food as a favor for my mom, so I won't place you for suspicion."

Lyra: "Really!"

Gao: "But doesn't mean I trust you." Well that hurt. =_= But better than being a 'Suspicion'.

Lyra: "Thanks guys." I said with a smile until I felt a little tug on my shirt. I look down and see little Bal pulling at my shirt.

Lyra: "Yes Bal?"

Bal: "Favor, bal?"

oh I actually almost forgot what I came to ask of the guys.

Lyra: "Okay I just need one of you guys and your buddies to watch over something for me till I get back."

The guys all stared at me looking blank.

Jack: "May I ask where you are going."

Lyra: "Lets just say i'm going across seas. That's really all I know."

The guys all wondered why I was heading across seas for.

Athora: "Do you know when you're going to leave?"

Lyra: "Six days from now."

Abigail: "How long will you be gone?"

Lyra: "I'll be gone for two and a half weeks."

Baku: "Whoa, that's lot bro."

Lyra: "Yeah I know, and I need one of you to watch something for me till I get back."

After I asked looking for a response Gao's phone rings and he answers to massive yelling. To my surprise I already told Gao that he didn't have to do it. He mouthed 'Thank You' got up to talk to his mom.

Baku: "How come Gao and Bal gets a pass, bro?!"

I answered his question honestly.

Lyra: "Because its Gao's mother."

As soon as I said that they all went "Oh" and realized what I meant was right.

Lyra: "so I need one of you three to watch over it for me."

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