.The First Morning. (P2)

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You woke to stiff muscles and a sore back.  For being so beautiful, Earth wasn't so luxurious.

Wincing your way into a sitting stance, you noticed Clarke was already gone.  Of course she was.  Though only knowing her for a day, she seemed to radiate rigidness, if that was the way to say it.  She needed everything the way she set and it had to be perfect. 

Though life wasn't perfect, she was going to have to live with that.

"Hey,"  Octavia stirred, seeming to be just as uncomfortable as you, "Is it just me, or is the earth hard."  You snorted at her comment, though nodding your head as you did so.  Your smile held as the girl shifted to allow you a better view of her bedhead.

"Your killing that style O,"  Your eyebrows drawn up in sarcasm.  She seemed confused for a moment before the realization hit her.

"Agreed,"  the deep, raspy voice behind you made you jump, "Though your's is a close second."

Your eyes widened as you realized you must look awful.  But that was quickly replaced by utter embarrassment as Octavia's brother settled beside you in a crouching position.  

Memories from last night flooded your head and you couldn't help but avoid eye contact, quickly glancing to O for redemption.  "Your not looking too much better yourself there Mr.  Oh-so-sure-of-himself,"  She threw one of her kicked-off shoes towards Bellamy.

His eyes crinkled when he swatted it away "Alright, alright lets agree that last night was rough".  The two of you nodded as you struggled not to laugh again.  Bellamy's hair did look ridiculous, some pieces curled over to lay across his forehead. Other bits of hair from all over stuck out in clumps, some heading straight up.  

Just when you thought you were in the clear, he noticed, " Oh so now I'm the worse one,  you should check yourself out before laughing at me."  You tucked your smile away, somewhat, with a bite of your lip.

"Are you saying you were Blake?"  Your eyes confidently meeting his with a renewed smirk.  His eyebrows parted with a quizzical look.  "Checking me out, I mean that's what you said right?"

"Oohhhh and how does the defendant claim?"  Octavia sat like a young schoolgirl excited about some drama, the look on her face caused you to deepen your smile.  She scooted closer to her brother, pretending to hide her face behind parted fingers.  Bellamy leaned towards her, "Sir I advise you to give up now, plead guilty, the jury's mostly against you"  she 'whispered' loud enough for you to hear, while making motions to the sleeping group of friends around you.

Bellamy sat up, "The defendant claims not guilty,"  He grinned but you could see a minor blush settling on his cheeks.

Octavia gasped playfully, throwing her hand over her heart, "I truly am hurt that you disregard my word Mr. Blake-"

"Octavia!"  Clarke interrupted by calling her over for some job

"This will be continued,"  O's finger waved between you, giving off a pointed look, "Court adjourned," before running off.  Leaving you alone with Bellamy.

You giggled at your new-found friend's words.  However, soon a not-so-comfortable silence fell upon the two of you.  You glanced around the circle, hoping someone would wake up, make this less awkward.  

After deciding it wasn't going to happen you had to start some form of talking.

"Sorry about last night,"  was all you could sputter out.  Bellamy darted his gaze up towards your face, looking like he was going to say something, before deciding against it.  More silence.

"We were- uh, we were just playing around, you should have heard the other dare I would have had to do.  Well no, you shouldn't but-"  The boy's held up hand put an end to your rambling.

"It's fine,"

"Really, I get it"  He stopped you again as you looked like you were going to start talking again, "Knowing my sister it was probably her idea anyway."  

"In her defense, only.. partially,"   You both laughed again.

"Yeah I knew I'd heard some of those lines before, but the last one was new, I have to give her that."

You considered keeping your mouth closed for a second, but of course you just couldn't.  "Yeah, about that, uhh the last one wasn't hers exactly," You took the chance to glance up.  

"No?" Bellamy turned his body towards you, "Goggles?" You laughed once more as he pointed to Jasper, still knocked out.  You shook your head and his curious eyes scanned the rest of the sleeping teenagers, looking for his next guess.

"It was mine, actually"  Here comes the blush again.

"Really?  Well alright then, so technically you were hitting on me,"  His smirk drove you to roll your eyes at him.

"It was a dare," you tossed a look at him,

"Admit it-" He stopped, seemingly in thought.  Then it occurred to you, he probably didn't even know your name

" (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"

" (Y/L/N),"  He said it almost like he was testing it out, "Yeah I could get used to ordering that around."

This earned him another eye roll and another laugh, "Oh please, like you're some king."

" Ey!" he began to practice, " (Y/L/N) go get me a stool to rest my feet on!" Another round of giggles while Bellamy smiled widely.

You were too caught up to notice the rest of the group woken by your laughing, not that you would care anyway.

Jasper sat up and rubbed his eyes, " Hey love birds, mind taking it down a level its like 6 A.M."  He 'scolded' but he wore a smile.

Bellamy placed his hands up in mock surrender, "Sorry, I gotta start the day anyway"  He smiled as he stood, winking quickly before jogging towards a group of teenagers about to go out into the woods.  Your eyes followed him as he went, still slightly smiling.

" Ugh he's even got her watching him walk away,"  Jasper hit Finn with an amused look on his face.

" Oh stop it I was not,"

"Between us," Finn leaned forwards, pulling the other boys with him, "That's what you said last night, and this morning we woke up to you two flirting"  

"Bye boys," you gave them a playfully annoyed look before going off to find Octavia.

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