He would inherit his mother's position or his father's, whichever he chose he could have it, but it seemed like he didn't want it.  He almost acted like he was too good for it. 

He was a little bit older than me, maybe by a month?  I wasn't really sure, but I knew that our mothers didn't get along too well in the beginning.  They were always at each other's throats about one thing or another, but eventually, they came to tolerate each other. 

My dad never really seemed to mind, almost like it was expected that them arguing was just a way of life.  I didn't understand it, and I honestly didn't care to.  I despised conflict. 

I felt a pinch on the side of my arm and looked over at my best friend to see her with a sour look on her face looking directly ahead of us.  

I followed her eyesight and saw a couple pushed up against some lockers eating each other's faces. 

The school had been going on for quite some time now, the first year it started was when I was around fifteen, so two years ago.  My parents seemed to want to have a trial run to see if it would work when they implanted us 'castle children' in it. 

They told us that we had to lie about who we were, we were new transfers to the pack and our parents were trying to join the pack with us wanting to be new warriors.  We weren't even labeled as pack members, the lowest of the low, and we were likely to be treated as such. 

I didn't mind, though, seeing as though it would give me a chance to see everyone's true colors around me. 

"Wow.  So this is high school, huh?" she asked me, and I almost snorted on how dumbstruck she sounded. 

"Yeah, if you take into account that almost all of the eligible suitors from the most powerful packs from all over the world sent their soon to be alpha sons and betas to come here to have a chance at becoming a high ranking general or advisor or pick whichever one you like.  No one is here for the reason that they think, don't you think that's a little bit funny?" I asked her, but she was too busy staring around at the place in awe. 

I didn't think it was much to look at, seeing as though I'd been cooped up in a stone walled castle nearly my entire life, locked away like some prisoner even though I was nothing of the sort. 

Sure, I'd been treated like, well, a princess, but that didn't mean that I didn't long for more.  I longed for the day when I could lounge about outside reading a book, the sun shining on my face without the shadow of my duties harrowing me down. 

I shook my head of those thoughts, wanting to take in the experience of my first high school day properly.  It was almost time for the operation to begin. 

"Now, where are the three students who were voted in? We need to start our plan!" I said to Amelia, not wanting to get off track. 

"I don't know, I'm not a psychic.  But I'm sure we can ask around and-"

Her words died out with the classic ringing of the school alarm, signaling that class was about to start. 

I groaned, how hard could it be to find three people?


Apparently, it was extremely hard to find three people, it almost seemed like they didn't want to be found. 

And if my parents thought that I'd be interested in any of these egotistical, power hungry males with the looks half as grand as what I'd seen in my life, they were sorely mistaken. 

The classes were what I'd expect: etiquette around the royals, a class which I'd pass without having to do any studying, arithmetic, science and history.  Amelia asked around a lot during the school day, but to no avail, couldn't find out who the three people that had been voted in the school were. 

We'd decided not to eat in the school cafeteria that day, mainly because I was too much of a chicken to face everyone but Amelia made me promise that we would eat there the next day, I was dreading it. 

It was only when, at the end of the day, that I saw someone who I thought had jumped straight out of my fantasies and into my life. 

He had light, ashy brown hair that accentuated his olive toned skin, making me shiver with intrigue.  I saw him across the hallway, putting his books into his locker.  He didn't notice my stare, so I continued to look. 

He had chiseled cheekbones, luscious pink lips, (thank you half-lycan eyesight), and muscles that sculpted his body exquisitely. 

He was enormously tall, and I could see just a twinge of cockiness in his stance, he was confident.  He exuded power, every bit of him called to every fibre of my being, and I didn't know what it was about him that enticed me so much. 

Could he be my mate?  I sniffed the air, but with all of the other intermingled werewolf scents flying around it was hard to pinpoint.  That meant he probably wasn't my mate after all, considering that I should have been able to smell it the second we were in each other's presence. 

And then I saw her.  She was beautiful, I'll give her that.  Fiery red locks that contrasted perfectly with his golden ones, jade green eyes fit for her face and porcelain skin.  She was every bit the perfect match for this man.  

She strolled up to him and grabbed him around the waist, to which he turned her around quickly using his supernatural strength, and then they were entangled in each other's limbs. 

I heard my wolf whimper and whine in my head, wanting to claw her way out of me and attack this female that I didn't know, and the reason completely unknown. 

And then I saw the mark.  Her mark.  On his neck.  And then I smelled what I hadn't been prepared to smell: the most intoxicating scent I had ever smelled before, a musky woodsy smell with mint, but it was mixed unceremoniously with something a little too sweet.  And that was when I knew, my mate had done what I never thought he would do, he had done what I didn't think I would ever have the guts to do: he had mated another female before meeting his true mate, and I was certain his true mate was me. 

I felt tears sting my eyes as I turned away from the scene before me, only to be met with the cold stare of Vincent who apparently had been instructed to take me back to the castle since my cousin Kace had training that day and Amelia had her studies.  

I was always needed back at the castle promptly after school was over to report my findings and what I thought about each day back to my parents so they could mark off the suitors I did and didn't like, but at this point, I could feel the tears threatening to spill over so I kept my head down, grabbed my book bag from the locker and stiffened when I felt Vincent put his arm on my back, escorting me like he was supposed to. 

I stiffened because I felt a presence behind us, and from the power I felt from it, I could tell with almost absolute certainty that it was another Lycan.  I was terrified to turn around, but I knew I had to.  I had to pretend to be the lowly wolf that I was portrayed to be. 

"Turn around, wolf," the voice said, and I wish it didn't send shivers down my spine at the sound.  I did as he told, even though my wolf was begging me not to and to teach this lowly arrogant Lycan who was the real royal in this situation, but I didn't want to blow my cover.  I wanted to show my parents that I was capable of following the rules and doing what was asked of me. 

I turned around and met the eyes of my mate, clinging onto the body of another she-wolf.  

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