
The guys got to the girls house dressed nice, they all decided to ride in different cars

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The guys got to the girls house dressed nice, they all decided to ride in different cars



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 They are all about to leave

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They are all about to leave

T: Okay, so everyone clear on the plan?

M: Yeah, I think so

S.E: What do we do if the plan fails?

Q: It won't. Its idiot proof so even Puck cant screw it up

P: Hey!

Q: Sorry babe, hormones

They all leave and arrive at the dinner
TD- Tina's Dad
TM- Tina's Mom
QD- Quinn's Dad
QM- Quinn's Mom
SM- Santana's Mom
SD- Santana's Dad
BM- Brittany's Mom
BD- Brittany's Dad
sm- Sam's Mom
sd- Sam's Dad
MM- Mike's Mom
MD: Mike's Dad
PM: Puck's Mom
PD: Puck's Dad
Sm: Sebastian's Mom
Sd: Sebastian's Dad
TM: Hey guys! How are you?

T: I think we're all fine mom. Thanks!

TD: No problem sweetheart.

QM: So you guys said you have special news?

T: After Dinner at the afterparty

The dinner goes smooth and the girls and guys almost forget that they have a issue on their hands. Afterparty:

S.L: (Taps knife against glass) Okay so we are going back to the original us where we talk and talk and force all of you to sit and listen! So shush!

T: Come on girls, stand up

Girls stand up

B: Okay. Uh....

Q: We're all pregnant

Their parents take it well enough and speak alone

PM: So we know you love us and we love you but we decoded in order to have room for the baby... We are getting you new houses and cars. Everything!

S.E: That's awesome. Thank you!!

sm: Okay we can start looking tomorrow for now we talk

WC: 447

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