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In the Choir Room

Quinn: (Whisper Shouts) Tina, San, Britt! Come here for a second

Tina: Mike I'll be right back

Brittany: So what are we here for cause if it's for drug awareness then I shouldn't have given Lord Tubbington all that drug money...

Quinn: It's not for drugs, I'm pregnant and I have absolutely no clue what to do

Tina: Who knows?

Quinn: So far, you guys and the father

Santana: Okay okay, hold up. Who the hell knocked you up?

Quinn: Puck

Santana: You guys are gonna think I'm a crazy bitch and I kind of am but my idea is that we all become pregnant to help support our girl here and if the boys have a problem they can go to hell and we can go to a sperm bank

Tina: That's actually not too bad of an idea and Mike should be fine with it. If this is what we're doing I can go ask him

Quinn: Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me

Brittany: What about Sue? There is no way she'll let any of the four of us stay on Cheerios

Tina: I'm sure a ton of Churches and organizations would gladly donate to a coach who kept four pregnant girls on her squad in order to help them through pregnancy

Santana: And if not, she can go to hell too

Tina: Alright, now comes the harder part, the guys...

With Mike and Tina

Tina: Hey Mike, can I ask you something?

Mike: Of course, anything

Tina: Uh, Quinn got knocked up by Puck so Britt, San, and I all want to support her by getting pregnant too-

Mike: So you want me to get you pregnant?

Tina: Yea

Mike: Are you sure that you really want this?

Tina: Yes

Mike: Then of course, I'll give you anything you want

Tina: (Squeals) Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Tina and Mike: (Hug, then kiss)

With Santana and Sebastian

Santana: Hey Warbler

Sebastian: What's up San?

Santana: I need you to do something for me

Sebastian: And what is that?

Santana: Q got knocked up by Noah and me T, and Britt all want to support by getting knocked up too

Sebastian: I don't know San... I mean I want kids with you obviously, but- I just I don't know about right now, We're so young...

Santana: Please, it would mean so much to me

Sebastian: (Surprised) Did you just say please?

Santana: Yes that's how much I want to do this

Sebastian: Alright, fine

Santana: Yes! (Kisses him on the cheek)

With Brittany and Sam

Brittany: Sam do you love me?

Sam: Yes, of course

Brittany: Then this is how this is going to go, Q got preggers and you're gonna get me preggers so I can support her, cool?

Sam: (Kinda confused) Uh yeah?

Brittany: Good.

WC : 482

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