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At Tina's House

Quinn: Did you guys try?

Tina: Yeah, we all tried, anyone else vomiting every five minutes

Santana: Mine doesn't come all the time but it does come slot

Brittany: So all we have to do is take the tests?

Tina: Yep! How does this work Q?

Quinn: You just pee on the stick and wait three minutes

Brittany: This sounds like Lord Tubbington's drug test

Tina: okay, we can all go at once

They all pee on the tests and set a timer. The timer goes off.

Santana: So, ready to check y'all?

Tina: Definitely

Brittany: Lord Tubbington will have to sell his drugs for money for the baby

Tina: I'm carrying precious Asian cargo

Santana: Sebastian better be happy about this baby bitches!

Tina: Morning sickness is such a bitch!

In the choir room

Mr.Shue: Okay guys! Who knows who-

Tina: Mr.Shue I gotta go to the bathroom

Quinn: Oh god, me too

Mike stands up as Tina, Quinn, Brittany, and Santana run to the bathroom

Rachel: Okay, what was that?

Mercedes: Yeah, that was like super trippy!

Mr.Shue: I have no clue, Mike you okay?

Mike: Yeah and I think I know what's wrong. I need to to talk to my girl

Sebastian, Sam, and Puck: Me too

After school

Mike: Girls wait up!

Tina: Hey babe! Guess what?

Mike: You're pregnant, I know (Hugs Tina)

Sebastian: (Sees Santana crying, uses soft voice) Hey, hey, why are you crying San?

Santana: Cause I know you don't want this baby

Sebastian: It's okay, it's fine, you're okay

Santana: What about your parents? My parents? My abuela? She will beat me with a chair

Sebastian: We can figure that out, together

Brittany: Sam, say something

Sam: I love you

Puck: If it's a girl I wanna name her Beth

Quinn: (Nods)

WC : 304

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