now is all we get (ii)

Start from the beginning

"Well, no. Maybe if you explained to me what the problem is? I thought you liked Ramiro, and how he treated her?"

"I do. It's just... She's my best friend. And she's getting married. Soon she'll be having babies, creating a family, maybe she'll get a dog and I'll be here, single, and alone!"

Yikes. "You'll have me! And Nina! Besides, I seriously doubt Yam'll have children any time soon. And I doubt even more she'll forget about you. You're Jim and Yam, and like Yin and Yang, you're interconnected!"

"That's super cheesy, but thanks Luna." Her friend sighed, smiled, and went to hug her. "I guess I just got the jitters... It feels like everyone is pairing off and then it'll be just me. And Nina." That only confused her.

"Who's everyone?"

"Y'know, Ramiro and Yam, Pedro and Delfi, Matteo and you, Simón and his new girlfriend..."

Luna had to take a step back, breaking the hug altogether. "I'm going to ignore the part about Matteo and me, because it's a lie, but, Simón has a girlfriend?"

"You didn't know?" Jim gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "I thought you knew! He's your best friend!"

"Who is it? Why hasn't anyone said anything to me about it?" she cried out, both surprised and offended they'd kept it a secret from her. They had no secrets, never had and she thought they'd never have. Of course, someone always tried to keep them, but they usually told someone else and that person told someone else and that person- it went on and on. Point being, keeping a secret was pointless and she couldn't believe her friends, much less Simón, would do it.

"We thought you knew, you're his best friend after all! The thing is, no one knows who it is. He keeps insisting there's no one, but Yam told me, that Ramiro told her, that Pedro told him he's been writing love songs. And we all know he only writes love songs when he-"

"When he has a crush! That idiot is seeing someone, and he didn't tell me!" She huffed out, her excitement for twirling completely gone now. Now she just had to wait for lunch, and that man better be prepared because he was going to meet her bad cop side, all interrogative and annoying. She'd have to apologize with Ámbar for it but- "Oh. My. God." It hit her then. Was this why he wanted Nina and her to have lunch with them both? To present Ámbar as his girlfriend to his best girlfriends? Now that she remembered it, the day Matteo had called her last, and she'd implied Matteo had written Princesa for her, Simón had flinched. It made sense, right? That he didn't want to think about another guy writing a love song about his girl? Is that what had prompted him to start writing love songs?

"What?! Why that 'oh my god'?" Jim asked excitedly, eager to gossip.

"I think I know who it is." She had to take a deep breath. "Out of all possibilities I didn't, for sure, see this one coming, holy chalupas."

Jim squealed. "Who, who, who?!"

"Jim, who are Nina and I meeting for lunch today?"

Her friend frowned, confused. "Simón and Ámb-" Jim interrumpted herself with a gasp. "NO WAY! That's like, impossible!"

But was it? She'd seen weirder things happening. "Do I need to remind you of the Nico incident two years ago?"

Jim pursed her lips. "That was a mistake, but you're right. I just can't picture those two together. It's like a bad-ass eagle dating a mouse. One of them will end up eating the other. And it won't be the mouse."

"What are you two talking about over here? Mouses?" Yam asked, coming out of the fitting room's door, with Nina right behind. Jim squealed again.

"You won't believe what we just found out!" Luna was quick to stop her, pinching her arm. "Ouch!" the redhead threw her a puzzling look, not getting why she couldn't tell Yam.

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