Chapter 10

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In the Hands of A Gossip

"Draco! Slow down," Luna yelled.

Draco had been running through the corridors, pulling her behind him. A lot of the students had given them weird looks and were gossiping with their friends. Draco Malfoy, Slytherin Prince, and Luna Lovegood, The Gryffindor Lunatic, were running through the halls together?

"Fine!" Draco said and he slowed down, but still at a quick pace.

"Explain to me what's happening." Luna demanded.

"Not yet Luna," Draco said. He got a lot of weird looks as many people had heard him say Luna and not Looney, "No one can over hear us. We need a plan and fast. Pansy's planning on spilling the information at dinner. In twenty minutes."

"Well where are we going?" Luna asked as Draco pulled her down a set of stairs to the dungeons.

"Don't be mad, but my dorm. Its the only place where there's no risk of anyone walking in on us." Draco told her.

They arrived at the portrait to the Slytherin common room, "Password?" The portrait asked.

"Firebreath," Draco said and the door flung open, "by the way Luna, there are people in here. But don't worry Blaise knows so he'll come up with a cover story."

Luna nodded her head and followed him in. It was marvelous. The whole room had a greenish tint from the windows. They were under the black lake. There was a large black fireplace and lots of green and silver furniture.

"Draco! What's a Gryffindor doing here?" Theodore Nott, one of Draco's friends asked.

Draco ignored him, "come on Luna. Dinner's in fifteen minutes. We don't have much time until Pansy tells everyone."

Draco grabbed Luna's hand and pulled her up a silver staircase with shiny emerald green walls. Theo looked at Blaise, who was sitting on a couch, confused.

"They grew up together. They're like siblings. He's probably got some family drama he wants to share with someone and as far as I know, she's like the sister he never had. He depends on her for this stuff. Tell anyone though, and I will personally kill you." Blaise said before leaving the room and heading for the great hall.

Theo just stood there in shock. More confused then ever. In the end he gave up and followed Blaise.

"Draco! What are we going to do? We can't obliviate an entire school. And I've already used mine today!" Luna said when she and Draco had gotten to his dorm. She'd put a silencing spell on his door so no one would hear.

"I don't know Luna! The only people who know what you are are kids. There's no adults here that can help." Draco said.

If Pansy knew Luna was a death eater she'd tell everyone and soon they'd realize he was one to.

"Why did I ever make that stupid deal! I should've let them kill me and dad!" Luna cried out.

"Don't be ridiculous. You didn't have a choice. But now we have to do something. They are surely going g to have you smell the potion that tells them if you're one or not. And probably me to seeing as I was running down the hallway with a Gryffindor." Draco exclaimed

They sat in silence for a minute, thinking.

"I have an idea!" Luna said suddenly.

"Care to enlighten me? We have ten minutes before Pansy tells everyone."

"Polyjuice potion. Hermione and Blaise know right?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, so?"

"So, we have them take some and then into us and we turn into them. That way when they smell the potion, nothing will happen."

"God you ate smart. Why do people call you Looney even?"

"You started it," Luna said.

"Right, sorry. You get Blaise and Hermione, and I'll get the potion." Draco told her.

"Okay. Meet you in the classroom outside the Great Hall in five minutes?"


Draco and Luna both dashed out of the Syltherin house to complete their tasks.

Sorry that this chapter was a lot shorter, but I didn't want to end it later when it would be a MAJOR cliffhanger. Rather a small one, wouldn't you say? Anyways, see you next chapter <3

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