Chapter 2

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A Cry For Help

Luna waltzed into the great hall with the rest of her Gryffindor friends. It had been exactly twenty minutes since Ginny had discovered, then forgot her secret. She sat down at the gryffindor table with Ginny and Hermione on either side of her, and Harry, Ron, and Neville opposite of them.

"So,What do you think the new proffesor's going to be like?" Ron asked, already started to dish large amounts of food onto his plate.

"Ronald! Have some manners," Hermione scolded him, while hitting him with a book from across the table.

Luna laughed as she grabbed a muffin for herself. Suddenly, just as she placed the muffin on her plate, her left arm began to burn. She cried out in pain, not thinking that her friends would probably look at her.

"Luna, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Neville asked her worriedly.

Luna quickly put her arm under the table, smiled and said, "yep! I think a drowsy bit me," she quickly improvised.

Everyone looked at each other, clearly wondering if it would be worth asking what a drowsy was. In the end the decided not to, and turned back to their breakfast. Once everyone was looking away, Luna peeked under the table at her arm. It seemed fine. No marks showing, yet it was still burning. A loud cough from behind her made everyone turn.

"Well, look who we have here. Let's see, there's Potty, Weasel, Weaselette, Longbutt, Mudblood, and Looney," cane the sneering voice of Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy!" Luna cried out happily, as relief filled her. She quickly realized her mistake and tried to cover it up, "what do you want ferret?"

Malfoy smirked, trying to look tough, although his eyes were screaming in pain.

"Um..Malfoy? Not that I care that much, but are you okay. You look like your about to cry in pain or something," Hermione asked as she examined Draco's eyes.

"I'm fine. Stop staring at me mudblood." Draco said quickly, trying to cover up his pain.

Luna hit Malfoy on the arm, "be nice." She said to him.

"And why should I listen to you Looney?" Malfoy asked leaning close to Luna, then he said in a whisper so only she could hear, "meet me in the classroom outside the hall in 5 minutes."

"Okay," Luna whispered back as he stood up, "you're a just a huge airhead Malfoy," Luna said louder.

"Whatever Looney," Malfoy said as he turned on his heel and left the hall.

"What did he say to you?" Ginny asked as she eyed Hermione, "and why were you staring at him?"

"I wasn't!" Hermione exclaimed, Luna was glad she didn't have to answer Ginny's question, due to the fact that she didn't have an answer she could give Ginny.

"Really? Than how did you know he was in pain?" Ginny teased.

Hermione turned beet red, "he was looking at me, and its polite to make eye contact when talking to someone. I just happen to see passed his cold figure for a moment." Hermione said, although the only ones who seemed to believe her were Harry and Ron.

"Whatever," Ginny replied rolling her eyes. Hermione glared at her.

"As fun as this is," Neville said breaking the tension, "we have a hogsmeade visit in 10 minutes. We should get to the courtyard.

"Oh no!" Luna exclaimed, "I left my wand in my dorm. I'll be right back." And Luna got up and ran for the doors before her friends could follow.

She quickly slipped down the hall to the classroom she was meeting Malfoy in. After a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching her, she slipped inside, closing the door softly behind her.

"Took you long enough," said an annoyed voice that belong to a tall boy, with a green T-shirt, and black slacks, and bright blonde hair that was slicked back behind his head.

"Well sorry I had to come up with a cover story for why you were whispering to me. Thankfully Neville remembered the hogsmeade visit. I only got away by forgetting my wand," Luna replied pulling out her wand and smiling.

"Nice. Real clever." Malfoy said sarcastically, "someone is definitely thankful for longbutt," he said smirking at her.

"What?" Luna asked. "Why are you smirking. Its never good."

"Oh but its good. You very happy with longbutt." Draco said, trying to contain his laughter as Luna's face filled with realization.

"Oh no. Draco!" Luna said, going slightly pink. Draco gave up And laughed out loud.

"Just drop it. Its none of your business. Now, did you feel that too?" She asked.

"Nice change on topic Luna. And yes I did. Let me see yours," he said hastily, grabbing her arm.

"Ugh. Darkio revealio," Luna said pointing her wand at her arm, in the same place as this morning.

"Yours is dark to," Draco told her, dropping her arm and showing her his, "any idea what it means?"

"No. I don't." Luna said, mumbling the spell from this morning. Her arm turned back to looking normal.

There was a crash outside, followed by a yell, "LUNA!! WHERE ARE YOU??" Luna immediately regonized the voice to be Ginny's.

"Ginny's coming!" Luna cried, "what do we do?"

"I got an idea. Give me your wand." Draco said holding his hand out for her wand.

Luna passes it over to him, unsure of what he was going to do. He picked her up and shoved her against the wall, holding the two wands against her neck, "play along," he mumbled.

Ginny walked into the class and Draco yelled at Luna, "Don't make me hex you lovegood!!"

"Expelliarmus!" Ginny cried, and the two wands flew out of Draco's hand.

Draco immediately let go of Luna, And pushed her over to Ginny. He then picked up wand and left, but not before Ginny managed to cast her famous bat-boogey hex on him.

"You alright?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Better than Malfoy at least," Luna answered, taking her wand from Ginny.

Ginny gave a long laugh before pursuing her next question, "What did he want?"

Luna sighs, "I don't even know."

The two girls left, arm in arm to go down to hogsmeade.

Hey everyone. Thanks so much for reading. Also, you should be thanking my thumbs for typing 1071 words for you. See you next chapter. It should come out soon.

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