·-17-· Outgunned, Outmanned, Outnumbered, Outplanned ·-17-·

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I was walking back towards the kitchen with an empty tray tucked underneath my arm. There was an execution today and I knew that the plan would start any minute. The problem is that I don't know when. Let's just say someone wasn't really listening when Hamilton was explaining the plan to us.

I yelped loudly as someone pulled my arm into a very familiar situation. I was pushed against the wall, hands on either side of my shoulders.

We weren't far into the passage so some light poured in, helping me see Hatter's features somewhat.

"Hi," I said with a stupid grin. Hatter looked taken aback (for some reason) and shook his head before rolling his eyes.

"Where we're you? We waited for you for half an hour!" He hissed. "Now we're behind schedule, all thanks to you."

"Ya know," I smiled teasingly as I leaned down just a little, my face inches apart from his. He leaned away, his eyebrows knitted together with a frown. "We could save minutes if you just told me instead of pinning me against a wall. I mean, I get it. I'm handsome. I'm flattered I really am, but I haven't really made up my mind with going out with guys. Especially you since-"

"Oh, shut up!" Hatter exclaimed through gritted teeth as he pulled away from me, storming further down the dark hallway. I followed him with a satisfied smile, soon ending up in the familiar circular room with different hallways.

Everyone was there, and everyone gave me confused looks or glares.

"Finally!" Hamilton heaved impatiently as he stopped pacing to look at me. "Lafayette lead the way." Lafayette got up from his place in the ground, dusting himself off before walking into one of the dark hallways. It wasn't as narrow as the others but it still looked dusty and unused like the rest.

Lafayette led the way, (as Hamilton instructed followed by Hatter, then me, then Hamilton, then the twins. Hatter held the torch of course, just in case Lafayette ran into someone and needed to draw his sword. We walked carefully as if someone would crawl out of the wall and kill us, though I doubt that really happening. 

There was tapping- at least, for me- coming from behind us. 

No one else seemed to notice it though. What are the chances it could be someone else? Slim. Very slim. It must be dripping water or something. Well, that's what I thought until we all heard clanging. 

We all started running down the hall, Lafayette still in the lead. We saw a ladder leading up. Lafayette stepped aside to let Hatter go first. Which he did, though, once he climbed out, he saw himself surrounded by Heart Knights, all pointing their swords at us. Hamilton was the last up, muttering a 'shit' as he looked around. 

"Good morning!' Eacker chirped happily as he stepped forward, meeting us with a smug grin. "Seems like everyone is here." He stepped in front of Hamilton, the white rabbit giving him a glare in reply. 

"Even the White King himself. I expected your friends to break you out first since ya know, you're their King and all that shit." Eacker hummed.  He looked towards Lafayette before frowning. "I seriously don't understand how the King gave you all mercy!" He exclaimed. "Especially you two." He pointed at Hamilton and Hatter. Hatter seemed to be losing his temper quickly, about to snap any moment. That wouldn't be a pretty sight. 

I placed a hand on his shoulder, his body soon relaxing moments later. 

"Well, right as I thought I would have a day off today, I heard from a little birdy that they're planning an escape!" He stared at me, with a smile. "Fun, isn't it?" He sighed, looking at some Club guards who held metal cuffs in their hands. 

The swords were still pointed at us, demanding us to not move. 

"One more thing," Eacker faced Hatter. "I really do hope the King doesn't give you mercy. Well, I know he won't but I hope he doesn't give you a merciful death like beheading. Maybe I'll convince him to... feed you to the Bandersnatch? Alive, maybe. Or maybe take one of your friends and kill them right in front of your eyes." He gave me a glance. Hatter, on the other hand, was losing it. Before I could stop him, he tackled Eacker to the ground, punching his face. The heart knights managed to get him off Eacker and throw him to the ground. 

Eacker picked himself off of the ground, fuming. He stormed towards me, unsheathing his dagger and yanking my hand. I tried to break free but he ran the blade across the palm of my hand. He made sure he cut the skin slowly, making me yell in pain. He faced Hatter who was being restrained by the cuffs, his face in a mortified shock. 

"Another mistake, and next time, I'll kill one of your friends," He barked. "Now come on! Let's get moving!"

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