When summer ends...

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Kittys pov


My heart and my head were waring. Part of me wanted- no needed to protect them. To not tell them. The other part of me was nagging that I would have to tell them sooner or later. It would have to be later. I just shook my head and returned to the pointless search for Summer. Daisy still believed that she was out there. But I knew better. I knew that she was with him. And I knew she was dead.
I knew who killed her. But I didn't know how to tell them.

                          Next day

The new stone looked clean and pure next to the other weathered stones. The willow brushed our tears away as we all come to terms that our family gave yard now had a new marker. Mum. Dad. Now Summer. I always knew that we would all end up here. But not this quick. No one had dry faces, they were all slick with salty tears that still streamed down.  "Kitty. H-how did you know?" A small confused voice murmured. With deviating my eyes, in a strong voice, "I know who did this." I now regret that moment.

Revenge Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora