Chapter III [Bad Timing]

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Hey, guys!! Mahi here~ I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been really busy with College since it's my first year. Everything is new to me so I had to get used to the college atmosphere and studies. But I'm back now and I will try my best to write as fast as I can. Thank you for understanding~ Okay now for chapter 3.  Mahi is out *leaves* 

"So, How's everything so far?" Momo's voice echoed through Mina's room from inside of her laptop. Mina gave the two girls a nod and a shrug "eh, so far so good. The house is great. My dad did a great job" Mina grabbed her laptop and gave the girls a quick tour of her room. "Wow! It's really neat!!" Sana beamed, getting closer to the camera but soon got pulled back by Momo. "So anyway, you're starting school tomorrow right? How do you feel?" Momo asked. Mina sighed and shrugged looking down "Scared, Nervous.." "Hey~! You'll do well! we believe in you~" Sana sang, swaying her body side to side leaning on Momo. "Do you think you'll be in the same school as..You-know-who?" Momo asked, a worry expression evident on her face. All Mina thought about was the day she saw him for the last time. Sadness was all she felt that day. Mina shook the memories off of her mind. "I'm not even going to think about it. Plus I don't care if you-know-who is in the same school." Mina shrugged the topic off with a laugh coming after but the two girls on the screen know the red-haired girl very well. They know it's not true but they won't try to pry too much. "Okay then? Well, it's getting late. we'll be going now. We'll call you same time tomorrow okay?" "Sounds good to me" Mina answered and said her goodbye before closing the laptop shut. She lets out a long sigh after laying down on her comfy bed looking up at the ceiling 'what if I really do see him?' Mina thought. "Whatever it's not like he'll notice me.." She got up from her bed and walked out and downstairs grabbing her shoes before yelling at her mother that she's leaving for a while.

The cold weather hits Mina's face making her slightly shiver she then pulled the hoodie over her head to keep her less cold as she was walking the now empty and quiet street after buying her school uniform. "79120.88 Won (72 Dollars) for a single uniform? that's a bit too much now" She mumbled shoving the receipt in her back pocket along with her phone as she continued her stroll. While she was, she heard a faint grunt sound which grew louder and louder as she kept on walking. The curious Mina is, she decided to take a look at what is going on. She walked closer and ended up standing in front of an alleyway. Without thinking, she walked towards the alleyway to look at what the sound was. The sounds of thuds and grunts only grew louder until she got close enough to see what is in front of her. chills ran down her spine as she is watching the horrific scene in front of her. Although she could not look away, she decided to hide behind a trash can in order not to get in trouble. Seven group of guys two with blond hair but one is shorter than the other, one with a light hazelnut hair while the other had dark brown hair. three with black hair but two of them had plumed lips while the other doesn't. All were wearing black hoodies and black pants. The two blond men were holding onto an unconscious man. The short and black haired man was punching and kicking him while the others were watching.

"Hyung I think that's enough." The tall man black haired man with plumped lips said grabbing the short one's arm. "Don't touch me!" he snapped looking back at the tall guy then now at the lifeless body "He deserves it" he protested and pulled a knife from the back of his pocket before storming towards the body, stabbing the man right on the stomach. "Yah!" said the tall guy with blond hair. He let's go of the man's arm and pushes the short guy away from the body "That's enough!" he said grabbing onto his shirt collar "you killed him he's dead!" he continued. Silent filled the air and the only sounds that can be heard are the sounds of heavy breathing from both men. Mina was trying her best not to make any sounds which she succeeded with but not for too long in which she felt something soft and furry rubbing onto her ankle. She looked down and spots a white kitten looking up at her. Mina motioned for the kitten to go away but it was no use due to the kitten is now laying on top of her foot moving her tail from side to side "get off me" she whispered to the furball as she gently shook her legs in order for the kitten who seems to be enjoying comfortable spot he is on. She sighed and picks up the furball ready to place him down on the ground until a familiar song blasts from her back pocket. She froze for a second, cursing under her breath. "What the-" she heard one of them say as they turned to her direction which they spotted her. Mina quickly pulled her phone out from her back pocket that led to her receipt fall on the ground without her knowing. "Yah you there!" one of them yelled pointing at the figure who quickly turned her back towards them grabbing onto her shopping bag on one hand and the kitten on the other for dear life before running away. "Shit!" one of them said before running after her. As Mina was running, the hoodie covering her head fell making man stops from his track shocked at the view in front of him. Never in his entire life has he ever saw someone with a red hair and today was the first time he did. He shook the thought off his mind and continued to run after her but it was too late for the girl has already disappeared.

He sighs, turning around and walking back to the ally. "What happened?" The man with dark brown hair asked. "I couldn't catch up" he answered the older one's question, making all six men let out a frustrated sigh. "What if she tells the police?" The light hazelnut haired man asked crossing his arms "Well if she will, then we have to stop her before she does" the oldest one said, "He's right but how are we going to do that?" The short one with blond hair asked. All the leader did was sigh not knowing what to do. He turned around before he started pacing the ground but not long for him to stop which is when he heard a crunch sound. He looked down and spots a piece of paper. The leader bent down to pick the paper and started to read. A smirk soon spread across his lips. "I think I know how to find her."

The Girl With The Red Hair {Slow Update}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang