Chapter 1

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Jesy's POV:

I am sitting in English Class joking around with some of my friends when my teacher comes in. 

"okay classs, please pull out your books and we will start talking about chapter 5." She drones on and on. I kind of just tune her out, English is easy anyway. 

"Um, the principal says he needs Jesy Thirlwall right now." a boy says as he comes into the room. 

I'm confused but i get up and go anyway. When i get there i see my sister Leigh-Anne, sitting outside of the office.

"Leigh-Anne did you get in trouble? Could Mum not come?" I question her. We only have a mum, our dad died a couple of days after i was born and the rest of my sisters are adopted. 

"No I haven't done anything! I just got here and I'm just as confused as you are." she says.

Since our Mum works a lot, I often have to drive everyone everywhere. I am 17, Leigh is 15 and our other 2 sisters Perrie and Jade are 11 and 9. It's hard sometimes but we are all so close. I know siblings are supposed to fight, and we bicker every now and then, but for the most part we get along fine. 

I'm starting to get a bit worried until the principal comes out and brings us in to his office. 

"Please Girls, sit down." he says

"I'm sorry but why are we here? I swear I'm not the one who wrote on the mirror in the faculty bathroom. Although I wish I was..." Leigh says. She has always been a bit of a trouble makerm but a good person and she still gets good grades. 

"No that is not what i called you in about. Listen girls I'm very sorry to inform you but... Your mother has been in a fatal car crash. She died when the car hit her, I'm very sorry." he says. 

We sit there in shock.. Our mum is the only person we have, besides each other.

"I have helped make arrangements so that you and your sisters can stay in your house and your aunt will check on you every couple of days. I'm so sorry once again. You may want to go and pick up your sisters, and break the news." he says. Oh god, I forgot about Perrie and Jade! How are we going to tell them?!

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Cause it's not funny!" Leigh says/

"Unfortunately not." at that I pull Leigh out of the room and she starts crying.

I'm still in shock, so i don't start crying. We walk to the lower school to get Perrie and Jade. I try to comfort Leigh as we walk and I feel some tears of my own start to escape. I stop in front of the school/ 

"We are going to break thier hearts. I'm already worried about Perrie enough as it is! And Jade is just so innocent." I say not taking my eyes off the school. 

"Jes, we have to do it." Leigh tells me. 

We walk up to the school. When we walk inside we go to the office. When we get there we are suprised to see Pez and Jade already sitting there, looking slightly confused. 

"We have already been notified. I'm very sorry." Thier Principal says to me.

I nod in response and pull my youngest sisters out of the room. We quickly make the couple blocks home in silence and all siy and the kitchen table, the designated meeting area.  Finally Jade breaks the silence. 

"Okay, What's going on?" She questions. 

"I'll do it Jes." Leigh says when she notices me struggling. She starts tearing up but continues anyways. 

"Today mum was in an accident. Someone hit her car and Mum, well, shes gone to a better place." My sisters sat there speechless.

Jade bursts into tears but Perrie just sits there looking at the wall. Leigh goes to hug Jade, while i sit next to Perrie. She pulls her knees up to her chest and squeezes her eyes shut really tight. I get a little worried until i hear her mumbling.

"It's just a dream. It's just a dream..." 

"Pezza." I begin cautiously, "This isn't a dream." 


I don't think i have heard Perrie ever say anything louder than a speaking voice. I don't know what to do so I pick her up and sit with her on the couch. She curls into my lap and I gently stroke her back and cry along with her. She wraps her arms around me and her tears start to stain my shirt but i don't care right now. I just need to show my sister that i support her. Eventually she cries herself to sleep and I put her in the room the we share along with Leigh. Our mum had to work long hours to keep the small house we had so we barely ever saw her. The house might have been small and cramped but it was still nice. We had to share rooms though. Me, Leigh and Perrie shared one while Jade and Mum shared the other when mum was home. She came home most nights but it was really late and only I would see her and sometimes Leigh would.  She would leave again early the next morning. It was a very rare occasion when Perrie or Jade got to see her. Whenever she did come home she would always go to Perrue furst and they would lock themselves in a room somewhere for sometimes over an hour, jusy to talk and then they would come out later. It made me worry because I knew Perrie wouldn't open up to anyone else now that mum was gone and i was afraid she would just keep everything bottle up until she did something stupid. 

"Jes, I think I'm going to sleep with Jade tonigh so she won't be alone. We can refigure the sleeping arrangements later okay?" Leigh told me.

"Yeah okay. I would take her to bed now, Perrie is already fast asleep." 

"Yeah okay. Come on Jade." she said to any already half asleep, puffy eyed Jade. 

I walk slowly into my room and get ready for bed. Before i go to sleep i do something I don't normally do. I sat down and prayed. I don't know who I was praying to, as I'm not really religious, but I just wanted someone to hear my prayers and keep what was left of my family intact. When I was done, I quietly slipped into bed, I was woken at 3 am by someone tapping on my shoulder. i roll over and see Perrie hovering over me, tears rolling down her face. 

"Jes, I'm svared." She says softly.

"Okay come here." I say patting the bed.  She quickly hops on and snuggles into me. 

"What are you scared of Pezza?" 

"Life. I'm scared to keep living, but I'm also scared of death." She says and leaves it at that as she falls asleep again. I'm stunned by what she said. Who knew an 11 year old would have such dark thoughts? Well, i guess Perrie isn't a normall 11 year old. I go back to sleep, but Perrie's words don't leave the back of my mind. Perrie has always been a special case. She is more delicate and fragile then most of us. My only memories are of a pretty happy childhood. I was with my aunt until I was old enough to be home alone, because of how much my mum worked, but I was okay with that because I alway just kind of understood. Sure sometimes I got angry, but for most part I had been happy. Leigh was adopted when she was a baby and had a similar childhood to me except sometimes she got a little angrier about mum's absence. For the most part she was pretty happy aswell though. Jade was also adopted as a baby, but instead of having my aunt look after her for a lot of her childhood it was Leigh and I. Perrie was different from the rest of us. She was rescued out of a bad situation and this is her third year in our family. She had an abusive father until social services took her away at age 6. For the next 2 years she went between foster homes, some good and some bad, untill my mum adoptped her. Everyone thought my mum was crazy for adopting so many kids when she had to work so much but she just said everyone needs a permanent, happy, loving, living environment and she knew our family could give that even if she wasn't around a lot. She really was an amazing person. As for Perrie, she wouldn't really talk at all her whole first year and only then did she start opening up to us. She had been drawn to mum though from the start and only talked about big issues to her. Perrie still has some trust issues and triggers from her past but I hope she can learn to open up more to the rest of us not that she doesn't really have a choice. 

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