Chapter 9: You're Officially Mine

Start from the beginning

    I quickly shook myself and refocused on my surrounding and without any hesitation, I walked out the door – hearing a soft whisper.

     "I hope you will come with me soon," I turned around to see nothing. Harold has left so fast. I shook away the thought and hurried down the stairs to see mom preparing breakfast. I was about to say I won't eat breakfast when she suddenly put the food inside the paper bag. 

    "Honey, you're late – here's your breakfast. Make sure you won't skip it." She smiled, handing me the bag and giving me a peck on the forehead. I smiled back and gave her a quick hug before running out of the house. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I saw Harold leaning on the black car with his arms and legs crossed. His eyes locked on me with no emotions, but I know deep inside those stares – there are full of anger and frustration.

     "Come on." He opened the back door and gave way for me to enter first and he soon followed. He directed the driver to the location. I looked out the window, ignoring his presence once again. I really don't feel anything for him, only a little when he's a good guy but still, in general, I don't feel anything at all for him. Yes, he is attractive that girls want to get fucked by him but I'm not like those kinds of girls.

    Once I felt that we are already a few blocks away from the diner, I looked at him through the rear-view mirror, "Thank you for driving me to work," I faintly smiled – resulting him to have a little hope flash in his eyes but remained that blank expression on his face.

    After a moment, we finally arrived in front of the building. He stepped out the car and jog to my side before opening the door and offered his hands out for me to reach – which I unintentionally accepted since I lost my balance while sliding myself out of the car. I turned around and saw Joe, Ms. Philip and the other crews' eyes on me. I avoided their gaze and gave Harold a faint smile.

    "Thank you, but I need to go." I gave him a brief nod and quickly turned my back to him as I started walking and awkwardly entering the diner – leaving him outside with his eyes still glued to me. I greeted everyone good mornings and they did the same with a quite different tone and smile.

     "Well well well, guess who got laid last night." Ms. Philip smirked behind me as soon as I changed into my uniform. I turned quickly to face her with my cheeks flushed a bright shade of red. 

     "Laid? I didn't get laid okay." I bit my lower lip, hoping she won't get that far in the topic. 

     "Hmm okay then missy," She raised an eyebrow and curled her lips into a grin before returning back to her office. I sighed in relief before running a hand through my hair.

    I heard Joe huffed from behind, "How's the night with Mr. Rich Styles eyyy," Joe asked while cooking. I groaned in annoyance and walked out of the kitchen to avoid a little less attention. I went to the counter with my head down and leaned over the counter – praying and hoping that more customers will come so that the crew's attention won't just be on me.

    "Hey Raven," I lifted my head up to see Liam approaching with a heart-melting smile.

    "Hey Liam," I smiled and both our eyes sparkled as he stood right in front of me.

     "So what's your plan for tonight?" I can feel my heart beating faster than I thought – never knowing I would be so affected by his presence.

     "I-I don't know. Maybe noth-" I was suddenly cut off.

     "She'll be having a date with me." Someone spoke behind Liam. We both turn our heads in the direction and saw Harry with those grievous eyes, giving Liam a death glare. 

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