Day 19 Flying (02/02/2018)

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Day 19 Flying

Friday Food Journal

Breakfast -
Vitamins Taken
Quiche - 300
Breakfast Total - 300

Lunch -
Chicken/garlic sausage - 320
Pretzels - 160
Lunch Total - 480

Snack -
Fruit Roll-up - 50
Snack Total - 50

Supper -
Green Chile Chicken/Rice Soup - 420
Supper Total - 420

Day 19 Flying Total Calories - 1250

Liquid Intake -
24 oz water
60 oz iced tea

Exercise -
1 - LVL 1 Chair Warrior workout

Was a pretty good day, did well with my meals and my chicken soup turned out really yummy! I'm still not drinking enough, so I am going to have to really concentrate on doing a better job of getting more liquids down.  I just get busy and end up forgetting.  I think If I put a reminder on my phone, to go off every few hours so I can make sure to stop and drink something, it might help.  I didn't get as much done as I wanted too, but it was still a productive day.  The wind was really bad here so we couldn't do much outside.

Tomorrow is family dinner at my brother's house and he is fixing hamburgers, so I think I will buy some fresh veggies and fruit and just cut them up for a for a nice fruit/veggie tray, maybe make a yogurt dip to go with it.  I know it is my cheat day but if I can cheat by eating extra veggies then why not, LOL.

Well my friends my pillow is calling to me so I am going to call it a night! I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend.  Thank you all for your gracious support and encouragement! You are the wind beneath my wings.

Myna <3<3<3

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