"What's up?" Ailee turned around in her seat.

"I didn't get the job" You mumbled into your arms.

"Oh... It was your first try anyways, do you want some chocolate?" Your eyes lit up at the mention of chocolate and broke off most of the block Ailee was holding.

"You're going to be fat after all those calories" she muttered as she watched you munch on the delicious treat.

You were about to say something to shut her up but your homeroom teacher chose that moment to enter the classroom. "Morning class, as you may know, the school festival is coming up and all senior classes has to do something to contribute to the event whether its entertainment or a store."

"Miss, I'm performing with my friends" Felix called out from the back of the room. "Me too" Seungmin said while raising his hand. "Please come and support us!" Jeongin smiled sweetly causing all the girls to aw at his cuteness.

"Okay so you three won't be able to help the class store then. Who else has other commitments?" All the students in the music, drama clubs and the backstage crew raised their hands since they are helping with the school play. The people in the culinary club were also organising a cake decorating competition. This left approximately 6 of us to run the class store.

"So... what are we going to do?" You asked looking around at the group of 4 girls and one boy.

"A food stall?"

"There's already 5 classes selling food plus the culinary club"

"Maybe one of those throwing the hoop type of stall?"

"That can be an option"

"We can sell handmade items"

"We don't have many people nor much time to prepare"

"Maybe a beauty salon?"

"ew no." Haechan said with a look of disgust on his face.

Ailee shot him a look "You can manage the money and help us when needed, its not like I'm suggesting you to be a model"

The group decided to go along with Ailee's idea since there wasn't any better ideas that will guarantee an income. The teams were split up into Dia, Jisoo and Mina doing makeup and hair, Ailee and you doing nails and Haechan helping wherever he's needed. "I guess all that time spent learning will pay off despite not getting the job. Am I right or am I right?" Ailee smiled wrapping an arm around you. "Right" you smiled back.

~Day of the festival~

Your stall was quite busy despite Haechan describing it as 'ew'. Your neck was terribly sore from being bent over nails non-stop for the past few hours. "Next!" You called while pulling out the selection of polishes ready for the customer.

Looking up, you nearly dropped the bottles. "Han Jisung? I didn't know you liked nail art." You said, shocked. Jisung is one of the more popular students who is well known for his outgoing and friendly personality. However, you never really talked to him due to not having any classes together. "Um yeah, the stall seemed quite popular so I thought I'll try getting my nails done?" You stared at him unbelievingly. "I lost a dare to Felix" he sighed.

"Sounds like something he would do, would you like a natural colour or a bolder design?"

Felix suddenly appeared from nowhere and pointed at the bottle of hot pink polish "Definitely that one" resulting in him receiving a punch from a very annoyed Jisung.

Picking up the bottle, you shook it a few times and started on your customer's nails. He has pretty nice hands you thought to yourself as you painted the base coat on. "Thanks" Jisung grinned. You blushed a bright pink that can rival the colour of the polish you were using, not realising that you had spoken out loud.

"So... how was your performance?" you attempted to change the subject.

"It was great, everyone all enjoyed the stage"

"I wish I could've seen it" you frowned, thinking of all the amazing performances you would've missed.

"Yeah we were pretty good if I say so myself" Felix bragged.

"If you're not getting your nails or makeup done then get out of here" You threw a nail file at the Aussie boy.

With Felix out of the way, Jisung seemed to be a lot more relaxed and you guys started to chat about random things going on in your lives while you waited for his nails to fully cure (dry). You found out that both of you had a lot in common- music, cheesecakes, and being annoyed by the one and only Felix Lee.

"Okay they seem dry enough to touch now" you lightly tapped his nails and smirked "I never knew hot pink would be your colour though."

"I look good with any colour" Jisung replied while admiring his shiny nails.

"Narcissist" You rolled your eyes and started to shoo him out since there was still quite a few people waiting in line.

"Wait (Y/N), can I get you number? uh so I can contact you to get the nail polish removed after the dare is over?"

"I'll add you on Facebook later, too broke to afford texting sorry." You waved goodbye to the boy and turned to your next customer.

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