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1 year 6 months later

Third Person POV

Auradon Prep

"Evie! Come on! Were gonna be late!" Mal shouted at the top of her voice on the other side of the room.

Today was the day the kids from the Isle of the Lost were coming to Auradon for a second chance. Of all people, everyone expected Evie to be the happiest, but she wasn't. She was sad. She recently broke up with Doug. She dated him for eight months.

"Don't tell me you're still thinking about Doug."

"Why wouldn't I be!"

"Evie, I know a breakup is hard. I've been through one. You've just got to move on."

"Move on?! Mal, no one is going to replace him, ever."

Jay and Carlos run into the girls' room in the middle of their conversation.

"Are you two not coming?" Carlos asked them. "The kids from the Isle are here!"

"Now?" Evie and Mal asked in union.

"Now!" Jay and Carlos answer together.

Everybody in the school rushed outside to the front. There were multiple royal guards also, maybe over a hundred.

King Ben came out of the castle to the give the children of the Isle a warm greeting, followed by Mal. News camera's immediately run up to both of them, asking them about the big day.

But someone stood afar, watching this big celebration. He watched from a branch in a tree, watching all the people gather. Someone was at the bottom of the tree calling him, asking him to come down. He refused, and continued to watch the people of Auradon Prep. Two royals guards noticed this someone on the tree branch. They didn't recognize him, so they approached.

Meanwhile, Ben was about to Welcome the Children from the Isle. Belle, Beast, and Mal, wished him good luck.

"People of Auradon. Today, we bring in the kids of the Isle of the Lost in our family. Yes, they all will have a probation period, but this is just the beginning of a new era."

The crowd applaud Ben as he starts his speech. But it was interrupted. The royal guards bring two men before Ben. One was wearing regular clothes. The other was wearing a more torn up outfit, with less clothing on his upper body.

"My king, we found these two men spying from afar, looking to attack the people." one of the guards say. "This one says he's the son of a 'king'" shoving the one with the torn clothing.

"Ah, just in time." A cherish voice said from behind Ben. It's was Fairy Godmother, the school's Head Mistress.

"Is this the kid who you told me about Fairy Godmother?" Ben whispered asking in her ear?

"Yes, King Ben."

"Let this one free. He's with the others." Ben orders the guards, pointing at the kids from the Isle.

"What about this one?" one guard asks shoving the man in regular clothes.

"Bring him to my office."

Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay watch from afar, looking at the new guy.

"He seems... different." Carlos says.

"But different is good, we were different when we came to Auradon Prep." Mal adds.

"But not like him, look. This guy walks with a sphere. Who nowadays walks with a spear?" Jay asks.

The three kept debating, but Evie kept quiet. She was nonstop staring at him, admiring his physical features. She wondered what his personality was like. She was so into him she started drooling.

"EVIE!!" Mal screamed, breaking Evie out of her fantasy land.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Evie replied slowly and softly.

"Let's go, we have class." Mal says to her.


A/N: I finally found time to update. I'm not making promises, but I'm gonna try tomorrow too.

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