lost in the woods

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I run and run and run away from my old life
I was a government experiment with gills 
Test subject 017 
Not anymore

I like Peggy as a name

I'm now Peggy

I keep running
No matter what I will never be with out my freedom


It is almost night
"Peggy," I tell myself " you need to find a place to sleep. "

I find a caved in hill to sleep in. It was dirty but I didn't care. I needed water is what I needed to go to a small gas station steal water and food and find a lake or pond.

  It all looks the same but all different 

I slowly walk in the woods to see everything. It's lovely,
but I see a team of army men with guns run up to me .

"Test subject 017 we are not going to hurt you ," an army
man started " but if you don't give up we will!"

I ran with them behind me

I ran and ran and ran

They cornered me. I was on a cliff about 4 story's .I had a  river behind me I very slowly backed up and fell back into the water swimming with the tide

This was the only thing I was happy about being a government experiment

I had gills
They didn't

I was getting out of the water only to see more woods

I walk off

Unaware of the girl
Unaware of the man

Simply Unaware of all to come

The girl with gillsWhere stories live. Discover now