Chapter 2

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Rey grasped the steering wheel of the ship tightly, veering to the sides of enormous mountains, before slipping down into a valley. This way she had at least some cover, if the distress call was a trap, like Finn had suggested.
"Chewie, go and check everyone's strapped in please."
She was given a roar in acknowledgement as the massive Wookiee walked to the back of the large ship, holding his bowcaster by his side. Rey sighed, turning back to the control panel. Chewie was a good co-pilot, and while the Millennium Falcon was undergoing repairs, Rey was glad to have him help pilot this shaky ship.
She probably would have chosen a simple snowspeeder, but General Organa was giving no chances, and had sent a squad of resistance fighters to go with her. She stood up from the seat, her robes clinging to her small frame.
She had been training under Master Luke for some time now, learning how to control her powers, so that she can help in the battle against the dark. She felt overwhelmed sometimes, feeling utterly defeated, but someone she kept going.
Rey quickly pushed a couple of buttons to set the ship into autopilot, and grabbed her lightsaber from a small stand, clipping it to her brown, polished belt.
Walking into the back of the ship, she motioned to the fighters to stay in the ship for the time being.
"If I need help you'll know the signal." She briefed, standing at the top of the ramp as it hissed, and began to slope downwards. She grabbed a thermal cape-like piece of clothing to put on, as she staggered out into the harsh wind and snow.

Rey pulled out a holopad that showed the location of the distress call. Turning in the right direction, she came face to face with a small slope. She sort of half jogged and half ran as she struggled to fight against the blizzard-like conditions.
Once reaching the top, she scanned the area. Not too far from where she was, a Tie Fighter wreckage lay, smoke still rising off it, and being blown out of view. Reys' fingers brushed against the metal body of her lightsaber. She might need to use it.
Upon approaching the wreckage, she came across the battered, bloodied body of a man. On closer inspection, she gasped, jumping back and igniting her lightsaber. She must have startled him, because he tried to roll onto his back, gasping in pain. Rey realised how helpless he was, and put her saber away. Taking slow steps, she walked up to him, thinking.

He will be charged for war crimes, possibly executed if I take him in.

Should I do it? He's done so many monsterous things to people, that I would be regarded a hero

But then he'd be killed.

She looked down at the state he was in, feeling pity.

That would not be the Jedi way...

Rey sighed, "You're lucky it was me that came, and not someone else. You would have been killed on sight."

Kylo Ren tried to throw a comment back but it came out as a wheeze.
"Save your strength. Resistance Fighters are on their way now. They'll arrest you if given the chance." Kylo nodded, his face showing sadness at the understanding of the situation.

Rey looked around cautiously, "i'm going to help you, but you need to listen. He just stared at her, so she assumed he agreed.
"Stay in the shuttle and wait. I'll be back in five minutes." She ran back up to the ship, where she met the resistance fighters.
"Well? Who was it?" A commander questioned.
"Oh, um, just a resistance pilot who had crashed after the last battle." Rey stammered.
"Should we not collect their body?"
"Y- Yes. You're right." She started walking out of the ship again, with the fighters, then suddenly she spun around and used the force to knock them unconscious.
"I'm sorry.." she whispered, running into the ship and starting it up, while Chewie roared.
"I know what I'm doing is terrible Chewie, but they can survive out here, Kylo can't." Chewie roared again, as Reys ship flew closer to the wreck. Upon stopping, she quickly opened the ramp and ran out, signalling Chewie to come with her.
Kylo looked up at them as they came closer, as they slowly lifted him up, as he screamed in pain, and carried him to the ship.

Rey got Chewie to pilot the ship as she set up the vehicles med-bay. It would stabilise him for now but it wouldn't keep him alive forever.

"Chewie, make the jump to hyperspace!" She yelled through the ship. Chewie howled and in the blink of an eye they were gone.

A/N: Woo! Second chapter!
Ok, I know this was delayed like a ton, just had really terrible writers block, but I got motivated after finishing some other fanfics.

I'll try and publish chapter 3 ASAP, so keep an eye out for that!

I'll post chapter 3 by Tuesday if this chapter receives 5 votes, if not then Wednesday. I'm working on more chapters to get them out on time!


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