||Shot 1: Friendzoned love||

Start from the beginning

Swara's crouching on the couch when her cell rings. It was an unknown number so she hesitates a bit while taking a call.


"San?" Although years passed, she could recognize her amigos' voice.

"It's been so long?"

"Yes. I missed you San."

"I never missed you."

"What?" Astonished Swara asked.

"To miss you I should have forgotten you. You never left my heart even for a minute."

"You have not changed San. Same as before."

"Shonimoni, listen I need to hang up now. Will call you later."

Swara is happy after talking with her best friend. It had been ten years since they talked. Her happiness has no limit. Sanskar went abroad to study so they could not be in contact. Now his sudden call made her ecstatic.


The next morning, her phone rings she receives without seeing caller ID.

"Hey, Shonimoni!"

A smile crept on her face.

"Hey, San!"

"I was thinking can we..." He paused to think off.

"You wanna go out to dinner. Don't you? Don't feel shy San we are friends." Swara said reading his mind.

"Yes... friends!"

"See you tomorrow at our spot?"

"See you. Wait! Hmmm... never mind. Good night."

"Goodnight San..."


Humming his favorite song, his lips curled into a smile. It has been ten long years, he last met her, his Shonimoni. He's impatient now. The signal changes from yellow light to red indicating him to stop his car.

"Uff, this traffic signal" he murmurs under his breath. His eyes wander around observing the busy streets of Kolkata. It was not the same as before, so many things changed. His eye stuck at the place giving him a twinge feeling by catching her sight who was in her favorite Scooter with a big pout cursing traffic and twitching her nose, exact left side signal to him.

"She's cute as ever!" he chuckled. Her eye caught him staring at her, within a second it went wide with all surprise.

"Sanskar," she jumped from her scooter yelling, leaving it to hit the ground. Looking into each other, both smiled. Tears filled their eyes when the memories came flooding back to them.

Pom, pom... continuous horn sounds broke their reverie. A joyous tear plunges from his eyes. He swiveled his car to her side. Parking her scooter in 'No Parking Area' Swara hops into his arms like a kid. He twirls her making her fly. Both laughs from their heart.

"How are you doing?"

"All good. You?" she exclaimed happily sitting in his car.

"Your scooty?" Sanskar indicated to her where she parked it.

"Let it be..." he rolled his eye hearing her.

"That was no parking." He pointed out.

"You don't know about Kolkata. If I park in the parking lot then I have to go to the station tomorrow with a complaint letter. But now..." She trails off.


"It will be all safe, after paying the fine I get it from the court." She chuckled. Nodding his head, he sits in the driver's seat.

"Swaru, you are still the same.."

"Is it?" She quipped.

He looked at her face, "Yeah, your big doe eyes, this chubby cheeks, and same craziness... even your this height." he teased her.

"But you changed a lot Mr.Sansu." he narrowed his eye. She started her non-stop chattering.

She talked as if there is no tomorrow making him adore her more. Both reminisce their journey, schoolings, silly fights, chatters, street play everything which is everlasting, lasted in a decade of distance and came back. There is no silence, not an uncomfortable zone or any kind of awkwardness, but full of love?

After their dinner, Sanskar drove back to her home from the restaurant. She turned on the radio station.

Sanskar twirled his head to Swara. Both started to sing together. Nope. Correction. Shouted together. Their song was too awesome that make street dogs also bark with them. Shutting their mouth, both burst into a fit of laughs looking into each other.

He stops the car in front of her home and gets down from the car. Like a perfect gentleman, he opens the door for her. When she's about to walk inside her home, he holds her wrist stopping her.

"Shonimoni. I have something to tell you."

Swara's eyes twinkle with the light of stars. He just got lost in her. If not today, never. He thinks let his heart out. He can't hide the truth anymore.

"Swara..." overwhelmingly, she glanced at him. It's the first time she heard him calling her name. Emotions flickering in his eyes.

"I love you Swara."

Surprisingly she stares at him, "I love you too. You are my best friend dumbo."

"I love you not as a friend. But a woman you are." He paused a moment before continuing his words.

"I don't know when and how. Was it when we playing with the Thanjavur dancing doll. Or was it when we were playing hide and seek. Or was it when I left to study abroad. I have fallen for you deeply and crazily. I love you Swara."

Shocked will be an understatement to describe Swara's emotions. Standing numb, she looked at him with a blank expression. Not a single word of him she understands except the fact he love her. How can he broke the friendship rule not to fall for his friend? Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I don't love you Sanskar. I only thought of you as a friend. You and I not possible. I'm sorry," that what she said before running inside her home.

To be continued......

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