nine; truly madly

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I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend,
Lucky to have been where I have been,
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky | Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat

The week after New Years was blissful.

"Avi's room" soon turned into "our room" and "my room" turned back into "the guest bedroom in the east wing". "The cars" became "our cars", and I finally found out why Avi was as rich as he was.

His parents had always been loaded, first of all, and they'd left him their fortune when they died in a plane crash years and years ago.

He'd also become a very successful businessman in his own right, the owner of four four star hotels in New York and two car dealerships in the Flatiron district.

I also found out that he had a sister, Esther, who was currently living out her dreams by travelling the world with her husband Darien. "She's a free spirit," Avi said, "I'm the boring one." I had scoffed at that idea, saying "You, Avriel, are most definitely not boring."

We were laying in bed now, my head on his chest and hand wound into his t-shirt as he talked about his family. "Your whole family sounds amazing, Avi." I remarked, and he chuckled, his laugh reverberating in my ears.

"Ah, the Kaplans honestly aren't all that special. We just have a lot of money." He said, and I rolled my eyes. "Oh whatever, in the few months that I've known the Grassis, they don't seem too different." Avi actually laughed loudly at this one, one hand over his mouth.

"Right. We're all alike because we're upper-class, but to be completely honest, we're all really different. The Kaplans have major wanderlust, properties all over the globe because of it, whereas the Hoyings like to stay in the US, preferably New York, because they own 95% of the banks. The Grassis don't like to get dirty, which is funny because they own like 200 construction firms." He said, and that made me laugh.

"Geez. I guess y'all are really different after all." I said, and Avi nodded smugly. "Yup."

"Well," He said, "I feel like we should pack and then be on the road by tomorrow morning." I sighed and nodded. "I suppose you're right." I slid out of bed, my feet sinking into the carpet. I could feel Avi watching me as I walked over to our now shared closet, and a blush coated my cheeks.

"Staring is rude, Avriel." I said jokingly, and I heard him huff. "I can't help it. You're so beautiful."

I pretended to rifle through the closet as I heard him come up behind me, his arms snaking around my waist and pulling me to his chest. "I love you, dragon man." I said, and he kissed my shoulder, swaying back and forth.

"I love you more, my queen." He hummed, his voice low and smooth like silk. I twisted in his arms to face him, reaching up to kiss him. He pulled back, lifting one of my hands over his heart as he studied my face.

"You know," Avi claimed, "It's only a matter of time until the Met asks me how much I'd sell you for." I blushed at his comment about the famous art museum and buried my face in his chest, heart pounding. I let him hold me, drowning myself in the smell of him.

"Come on," he said finally, "Packing now, snuggles later."

Packing our clothes took up the better part of an hour because both of us were wickedly indecisive, me more so than Avi. When the last article of clothing was in a bag, Avi put his hands on his hips.

"You know what I could go for right now? Some barbecue." He said, and I nodded, my stomach rumbling. "Count me in."

His eyes lit up, and he kissed me quick before walking into the bathroom. "I knew you were the one." He mumbled, but I heard him, and giggled before I picked something to wear. 10 minutes later Avi emerged from the shower, a towel hanging low around his hips and hair in wet curls, making my mouth go dry.

I blushed, and Avi raised an eyebrow. "You like what you see?" He asked, and I nodded wordlessly, eyes roaming over his body. "Get dressed, you hooligan, this can wait. I'm hungry." I said, the growl of my stomach a rude reminder of the lack of food in it.

He pecked my cheek and walked into the giant closet, coming out dressed after another ten minutes. His hair was in a low ponytail today, sleek on the top and slightly curly on the bottom. "Ready?" I asked, and he kissed my forehead. "Ready. How bout we take Denali with us today?" He said, and I smiled.

"Absolutely. Is your snowball coming with us to Holden Beach as well?" I asked. Avi shrugged. "First of all, our snowball, second of all, I was going to ask you about that. He can come or Kirstie can watch him because she has Pascal and Olaf as well."

I smiled at the correction, and then huffed.

"I don't care. He can come with us or not, it's up to you." I said, and Avi kissed the side of my head. "He can stay with Kirst. I wanna have you all to myself." The last sentence was in his deeper voice, which made me shiver and blush.

We walked downstairs and Avi whistled for Denali, who came trotting over and started stamping his front paws in excitement when he saw that Avi was holding his leash. "Hey buddy, you wanna go for a ride?" Avi asked, and Denali barked, his big white tail wagging.

The leash was clipped onto Denali's collar, and we practically were dragged out to the garage by the great white floof. We picked the G-Wagon because of how big Denali was, settling in and driving into the city.

Avi found a drive through BBQ place, who he claimed served the best barbecue in New York.

He ordered ribs for him, boneless wings for me, and unseasoned chicken for Denali.

When I bit in, I could've died because it was so good. "Jesus, Avi, where did you find this place?" I asked, and he laughed, throwing his head back. "You might say I'm a barbecue connisseur." He said, and I rolled my eyes, laughing too. "I guess."

We drove home, sufficiently full, and watched Denali flounce through the snowy back yard from the huge windows. "What shall we do tonight, my love?" I asked, and Avi looked down at me thoughtfully.

"I have a big old movie collection, movie night okay with you?" He asked, and I nodded, a giant smile on my face.

"The Princess Bride?"

"As you wish."

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