Worth it

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I hit my head on the railing and blacked out.

Jude's POV
I don't know why I had Callie come over. I guess for protection maybe. But I didn't need protection from anyone except Connor, but even then it was Noah to save me. I don't know why I believed Callie this time. Maybe I was tired of fighting. But even then Noah was always the one fighting my battles if they got too tough. He told me once he only fights for what he believes in. He's fought for us so many times it's uncountable. I guess with me being the reason now, he finally gave up. I hoped he would come back home. Soon. We need to work things out, more importantly I need to apologize. I told Callie that if he came home she had to let him up, but I guess she didn't believe me.


There was a crash downstairs. I shot up and sprinted over to the stairs. It was Noah. He was lying unconscious at the end of the stair case. Callie was grinning evilly.

"NOAH!" I yelled and ran over to him. He had a huge gash on his head and was bleeding pretty badly.

"Call 911!" I said frantically. My mind was searching all possibilities. The one that stuck was Callie.

"Why do you wanna save that freak?" I could tell she was being honest when asking.

"He's not a freak! He's my husband and if you can't understand that then leave!" I screamed. I pulled out my phone and and dialed the number.

"Fine! I'm only doing what's good for you!" She slammed the door. A few minutes later an ambulance arrived.

"Are you family?" An officer asked me.

"I'm his husband." I said frantically.

"Do you know what happened to him?" He asked writing something on his clipboard.

"I have security cameras that you can check." I paused as the hauled him into the ambulance. "Can I go with him?" I still wasn't looking at him. He nodded and walked me over to the van and helped me up. I sat in the seat by his head and grabbed his hand.

God, don't hurt him. Leave him alone. Don't hurt him. Make him ok.

It's not something that I do a lot but I kept repeating the prayer in my head. I haven't turned to God since my last foster home. When Pearson started beating me all I ever did was pray. I prayed for my life. I prayed to make him better. But most of all I prayed for Callie. She needed it more than anyone. Being in juvie and all. She needed all the prayers in the world to survive and she did. She came back. Why couldn't she do it again? Why couldn't she understand?

When we got to the hospital I was forced to wait for him. I called Mariana.

"Have you finally come to your senses?!" She snapped as soon as she picked up.

"It's Noah. He's in the hospital."

"Already in my car." She hung up and I went over to the front desk to fill out paperwork.

Name: Noah Rand-Adams-Foster
Age: 22
Birthday: May, 20, 1995

Mariana rushed in the doors.

"Jude!" She came right over to me. Tears were spilling out of her eyes. I wiped them away. She threw herself on me and sobbed into my shirt.

"What happened?" I put her on a chair and tried to calm her. I told her what happened and her face was well................. To say the least she was ready to kill the next person in sight.

"When I get my hands on her I'll-" I didn't let her finish. And honestly I didn't want it heat what she had to say.

"Hurting Callie is not gonna change things. I know how much you love Noah but you can't make any big decisions that you might regret later on." I tried talking sense into her but she was still upset. She was a mix of rage and pain.

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