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The loud sounds of roaring water was a pleasant and calming sound. The fresh, warm breeze of the spring air made me smile. But knowing that I wasn't alone at the spot made me feel much safer. Especially since it was the one person I loved. His bluish ravenous hair blew in the breeze as we stared at the water. We both were sitting along the side of the river. My feet was resting in the water. It was cold, but it had made my slightly aching feet stop burning.

We haven't said a word to one another when I had sat down. It was just quiet, like he knew I forgave him and he didn't need to say sorry.

He didn't need to say sorry, because I couldn't stay made at him.

A small smile crept up on my lips as a small fish jumped up and out of the water, landing back inside of it.

I layed back and looked up at the light blue sky. I watched as the clouds hovered above us.

"Natsu?" Gray asked quietly. His voice sounded scratchy, and it was like he had been crying for a while. I closed my eyes when he said my name. A small, cold breeze blew through my hair as I turned my head in his direction, my eyes still closed.

A small breath emerged from his lips before he began to talk. "I wanted to say I was sorry. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I just don't know what has gotten into me." I didn't say anything. All I did was smile. I don't know why. I opened my eyes, seeing that Gray was raising an eyebrow at the face I had made.

"You didn't need to apologize. I already forgave you." I said. I sat up and brought my knees to my chest. I watched as a single drop of sweat rolled down Gray's forehead.


I cocked my head to the side. "Remember when we were kids and we fought in this exact spot? It reminds me of that moment for some odd reason. When you kicked me down and I couldn't get up. But in the end, we were happy." Gray looked away for a moment. He watched the water in front of us, most likely trying to recall this memory.

"Oh yeah."

I looked away from him and we both watched the water. It was still unbelievable to me that Juvia and Lucy brought this river back. Just for the two of us.

"Natsu? What did you mean by saying you were happy for us, then saying those were all just lies?"

Damnit, I forgot I even said that in the first place. A drop of sweat rolled down my forehead, soon evaporating away, and I gave off a nervous laugh.

"J-just something that came off of the top of my head. I was m-mad," I said. My face turned a bright red and I looked away immediately, avoiding all eye contact. It was funny how I felt all chill for a moment, then turning into a complete nervous wreck a second later. But Gray didn't respond. Just one single word that escaped from his mouth:



"I swear to Mavis, I will destroy you if you don't tell me where the two went!" Erza shouted from inside the guild hall. I took in a deep breath and pushed the doors open only slightly.

"I-I swear I don't know! Gray just ran off and N-Natsu..." Romeo paused as his eyes landed on both Gray and I. The boy smiled and ran in my direction.

"You're back! And you're okay!" Romeo smiled into my chest as he hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said, making Erza take a glance in my direction. My tone didn't seem to convince her, but she let it go. Gray placed a hand on the back of his head when he looked around the guild hall. I followed his eyes as well. They stopped when they landed on Juvia Lockser, soon to be Fullbuster in a few days, herself.

I growled, but Gray gave her a soft smile. She waved back with her usual bright smile. But when she saw that Gray hasn't left my side yet, her smile soon turned to a frown, and she looked away. Gray raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off.

Erza walked over to us. Her arms were crossed and you can hear the sounds of her armor getting closer to us. I gulped. I heard Gray do the same. Her face didn't look happy. The scarlet stopped in front of us, then she smiled. "Rehearsals start tomorrow," and she walked out of the guild hall.

I raised an eyebrow. "Rehearsals? For what?" I wondered out loud, earning a look from both Romeo and Gray.

"The wedding, duh!" Romeo cheered, walking out of the guild hall. Someone was obviously excited for the wedding. I sweat dropped. There had to be rehearsals for this thing? You got to be kidding me! I looked in the direction of Gray to realize that he was laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bar. Mira was back and she was washing the little amount of dirty dishes.

"Hey Mira," I said. The girl gave me her usual bright smile and placed the plate she held on the drying rack. She leaned on the counter, a small giggle coming from her.

"Hey Natsu. Have you checked the crystal lately?"

I nodded. I checked it not only a few days ago. That was when Lucy grew suspicious and confessed to me the next day. And I have to say, that was probably one of the most weirdest days of my life.

"You should check it again, I wanna see it," Mirajane whispered. I gave her an evil smirk and pulled it out of my pocket. The crystal felt warm after being in my pocket for a while. I pulled out the sharp object and showed it to Mira. The red color had only grown slightly, and it was still only a little more than halfway.

For some reason, I felt a little disappointed, but Mira was excited. She was having a small fantasy about Gray and I getting together and how adorable it would be.

I, however, thought opposite. One, because Gray obviously didn't like me back, and two, because he was getting married in just four days.

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