Meeting Everyone Again And Having Issues P2

Start from the beginning

Paint's POV

I was finishing an art project when Reverie barged in. He is so lucky I just finished or I would have strangled him. I think he noticed why I was glaring at him because he put his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry man but we need you in the Abyss. NOW."

He had such urgency in his voice that I have only heard one other time. I swear to Void if Banes friends pulled that stunt again. Even Bane was disturbed when it happened... Never again.

"I swear Reverie that if it's something stupid I am going to whack you with my paintbrush."

He paled. At least as pale as a skeleton good be. He didn't even reply and just opened a portal and left. The reactions I get from that threat are always amusing. I purposely spilled paint and jumped in to get to the Abyss.

For the love of... Why is this happening? Someone (Im gonna guess Scourge) started a fight. I noticed Reverie giving me a scared look. When Bane noticed me, he just shook his head, shrugged, and facepalmed. I'm gonna guess he didn't start it. I tried to stop everyone from killing each other.

"Will you guys quit it!"

Reverie gave me a hopeless look and I thought nothing could stop them until they wore each out. I thought. Something must have been bothering Bane earlier because I grew concerned when his negativity aura became stronger and Reverie was slightly panicking. Bane hasn't been this negative since Sketch and Static... I miss Sketch but the past is the past and I have to accept it.That's when Bane did something I never thought he would do again. He changed to his half corrupted form thankfully instead of his full one. The Sanses didn't even notice. I am not stopping Bane without Reverie's help and I think he doesn't care about this anymore. And he's right. The Sanses for once need to be reminded that they can't do whatever the hell they want so I gave Bane an encouraging nod and he grinned sadistically in response. I hope I don't regret this. Reverie smirked and forced positivity in the Abyss to fade for the moment. Bane used his magic and it forced everyone to stop. I could feel the fear coming from them. Reverie came over to me and we both stood a 'safe' distance from Bane.

"iF I hAVE to bECoME tHIS FoRm aGAin iN THe fUTuRe fOR thE SAmE REasOn thEN yoU ALL wILL ReGRet beINg aLIVe."

Reverie had a wary look on his face and I think I have one as well. Bane's nightmarish voice was affecting me and that chilled me down to the bone. Heh. I haven't heard many puns since Sketch's and Static's death. I could tell Bane was showing everyone's fears from their postures and reactions. I looked at Reverie with a 'wtf am I doing here anyway' look.

"Remember when Radix messaged everyone that he found a Sans in Snowdin Forest?"

"Yeah. Did he wake up?"


Reverie looked nervous and I knew he did something wrong.

"Radix closed off his AU and the Sans went with him."

"You were the reason they left weren't you."

He had a guilty look and that's all I needed to know. So I wacked him with my paintbrush.

"Oww! What the fuck! Wasn't that a good reason for disturbing you?"

I ignored him and spoke with sarcasm and anger.

"Great job man. Great fucking job. Now only I can go to Radix's AU because of your rash decisions!"

"... You have a good point..."

I knew my blue eye was red from annoyance and anger. I snapped.

"BANE! Let them the fuck go! I think they get it now! So let them go before I do something I may regret! AND REVERIE! Why did you test Radix's patience and encourage him to leave?! We all know he is one of the most patient monster here! AND THE REST OF YOU! Your not off the hook! So someone better fucking confess the truth because if I ask Radix and the Sans what happened and it doesn't match your stories then you all are fucked!"

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