Rules and Important announcement

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Rules for the contest:-

1. the microtale has to be of maximum 30 words.

2. you will be given certain words to write the tale on (the word should be in the tale, unless said otherwise). 

3. you have to follow the deadline or time limit given .

4. scoring system has changed. there will be 3 judges who will score you on your microtale (your growth over the contest, creativity, connect, language, your writing and thought )  ; 5 points for each. that makes 30 marks from each judge. 

5. who ever is interested in participating in the contest send me a message saying "I'm in" ,add the book in your library and follow me for the coming updates.

6. for submitting your microtale: message me as simple as that

7. if you have any doubt, confusion or wanna ask anything and i mean anything, related to the contest you can freely message me .

8. if you have any suggestion and/or wanna become a helping hand , feel free to message me .  

I'm also looking for one more judge for the contest, if interested do let me know.

The contest was suppose to be held around mid February but due to some unavoidable reason the contest will start in March. Further details regarding specific dates will be given later on.

MicroTale Contest  #wpcontestTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang