Chapter 2

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A/N Its out. Finally. :P sorry for the wait


I slept nearly all day. Lots of other dragons congratulated my mom. She replied with a simple pleasurable thank you, and sometimes my mother would allow some to cradle me, But i was too tired to awake.

As the day rolled on, the more annoyed I became and the constant cleaning and cradling. Every 5 minutes my mom would clean me to make me look my best. I hated it. Every millisecond of it. Finally it stopped around 9:00pm, when my mother went to bed. Around midnight I heard sniffing, then a grasp on my scruff. I opened my eyes, a strange smell clinged to the dragons skin, it wasn't my mom, my heart had beat faster and I squealed for my life, surprisingly a small plasma ball shot came with it. "you brat!" The strange dragon hissed, breath of fiery ice.

My mom immediately Woke up. She took the strange dragon down before it could take flight, I landed with a thud, mumbling in pain. But the dragon still clasped onto my scruff. Mom batted the dragon till it let go of me, sending dust flying everywhere. Roaring cursive words, It flew away with scratches and bruises. I squeaked with happiness. But that soon ended when i saw my mothers cuts. She panted in agony, groaning in the pain of blood. I had to do something. I licked up the blood. It tasted bad, but i kept doing it for my mothers sake. She was panting out words. I called for help. But she hushed me as she said she was fine. She got up and led me to a different place. Dizziness falling through me. I did take a hard fall I guess. She led me over to her belly, and covered me up with her large blue wings. I felt safer there, and i knew i was safe there too.

Morning arose and i saw the sunrise through the bottom of my mom's wing. She wasn't awake yet, so i decided to just let her sleep, her wounds were pretty bad anyway.

A crawled out from under her wing at stood tall, gazing at the rising sun as it out lined my body, leaving a shadow behind me, my first friend. I tried chasing it, its hard to catch tho, which disappointed me a bit.

I look up at the greyish brownish blackish dots up on the roof of the cave, a younger one was starting to slip from its mothers grip. Not even thinking i caught it with my paws, clasping it tight. I heard it squeak,then it looked up at me, its black eyes filled with curiosity. I let it go on the ground but it held on to one of my talons, it's small arms lifting itself on to my paw. I bent back my head. It did the same. Huh. I lifted up one paw and it did the same. I jumped, it jumped.

Soon we were marching around the cave the bosses. (WE NEED SOME SHADES, AND TUXEDOS FIR THESE MODELS. OH AND BRING A FIRETRUCK TOO.) I heard laughing from behind me. My mom. I ran over too her, little guy following close behind. She blew a fire and warmed up.
She grinned. I tilted my head, questioning her movement.

"Ready to go flying?"

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