Chapter 22 - The Sick

Start from the beginning

"Baby I don't feel good." He grumbled.

"I know. Let's get something to drink and food in you and then you can go right back to bed." Insisting that he get up. "Come on."

"Honey...really...I appreciate you making that soup. I do, but I just wanna go to bed." After he used the bathroom, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Covering him up, Noelle thought certainly he'll be better in the morning.


Chantal was happy to see Noelle back and so were her clients. Many had questions about her book tour...but too many wanted all the juicy details about her and Prince, which she dodged beautifully, and got the focus back on the reasons they were seeing her.

Noelle was also glad to be back. She didn't realize how much she missed practicing and helping clients work through their issues, and in turn, make their lives and the lives of the people around them happier.

When she broke for lunch, she decided to give Prince a call and see how he was feeling but there was no answer.

There was a bad feeling in her stomach. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something wasn't right. Picking up the phone, she dialed Marissa.

Answering the phone she didn't even give Noelle a hello. "I was wondering when I was gonna hear from you." Marissa said while closing her refrigerator door and making her youngest child Reggie lunch. "Did Prince finally allow you to come up for air?"

"Yeah well, you know how he is. But sadly yeah, it was time to get back to work. But I loved the time off with him."

"Mmmhhhmm. How is The Color Purple doing?" She chuckled while slathering some peanut butter on a slice of bread.

"Actually that's why I'm calling. I'm a little worried."

"What's wrong honey? Is he only getting it up three times a night instead of four?"

"I'm serious Marissa. I was wondering if you could bring your doctor's bag by and take a look at him."

"Girl what's wrong?" Her tone changed once she realized Noelle was really concerned.

"He got a cold I think. But he slept all day yesterday. I mean all freaking day. I didn't get any tea or water in him. I made homemade soup and he didn't eat that. He just slept. When I left this morning he was sleeping and I just called a few minutes ago and he's still not answering the phone."

"Does he have any vomiting or diarrhea?" Marissa inquired.

"Well he didn't yesterday but I can't say about today since I haven't talk to him."

"Did you give him anything?"

"Just Nyquil."

"Well honey that's probably like a tranquilizer gun on a rhino. You should maybe consider giving him the children's formula."

"Mama is that Auntie Noelle. Can I talk to her?" Reggie asked.

"Oh baby Auntie is at work."

"Tell him I will talk with him soon. I'm so sorry..."

Reggie left for his playroom, "Shit Noelle Reggie will be fine. He won't even remember you called by the time he eats this sandwich. Now I wanna talk about Prince. Listen I'm gonna get off the phone and call him myself. If he doesn't answer, I'll go over and check on him. The nanny comes in an hour but I don't go into work until 6pm. So I can take care of whatever is ailing him don't you worry."

"Thanks Marissa. Now you call me, I wanna know how he's doing. I know how chatty you two girls get and how you like to tell him all my secrets."

Marissa couldn't stop laughing at Noelle referring to him as a girl. "Will do. Bye love."

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