Start from the beginning

"Anata-"She was speechless.He...hung up...without heard her out first.She doesn't know what she supposed to do right now.

She felt...helpless...stupid...

....stupid because she still has high hope on him...

And she swore that she heard a loud bang from Lemitsu's place...sound like a shot...a gun shot

Nana throw the phone to the floor and went to the toilet in the room.Crying endlessly.

Tsuna could heard her cries.

"What's my fault,Lemitsu?*gasp*What have I done wrong*choke* you?Am I not good enough for you?*Gritted lips*....Why??Why,Lemitsu??Why???*crying soundly*"

Tsuna watched the door lifelessly.It's so hurt.To watched his own mother...crying of her husband...

So,tou-san never care about him before...Now he just knew about that...

His heart felt so f*cking hurt right now.He closed his eyes slowly...accepted his fate...while hearing to the beep sound from the machine and his mother cry...slowly the sound disappeared from his hearing...


"Who are you?"

"I am a shadow"

Tsuna felt himself floating in the sky.He felt the cold wind caress his face.Soft and slowly.Cold.

Tsuna heard a soft voice of his old self talking to someone...a girl?

He opened his eyes and realized that he at the field of grass again...the same place as before...

And in front of him was his old self talking with a girl.

Tsu-kun still wearing hospital's attire looking at his surrounding in shoocked and fear while the girl smiling at him innocently.

Tsuna remembers this event.This was the day...he made a promised...

With a demon...

.....but somehow the demon was the one who saved him and gave him a new chance to changed everything.

Tsuna watched the two of them whose standing under the big tree.So beautiful and calming.

"Where am I?Am I dead?"Tsu-kun asked the girl you laughed sweetly.

"Hahahah no you're not.You still alive.We in your imaginary place right now.A place where you want to go.A place where you can forget everything that happened to you...and to your mom"

Tsu-kun took a step back,scared by the girl.He doesn't believe what the girl said.He will never believe anyone.

"It's up to you whether you want to believe me or not but...I knew everything about you.Everything"

The girl answer the boy as of she could hear him out loud.

"What do you mean?"

"Well,some people might said they could see the future because its know what...thats sound cliché.Because I...can see the past.Its a shame that I couldn't see the future but we can learn from the past"

Tsu-kun was taken aback.He widen his eyes in fear.

"Y-you what?"

"Yes Tsu-kun,"she smile to the cute boy..."I know everything that happened to you and your mother and everything about your father and brother...EVERYTHING"

Tsuna could see that his old self was really scared with the girl in black dress.Her eyes were red while the pupils were slick black.Her smile gave chilled to you and her soft voice can remained in your mind forever.Just by using a finger,she could kill anyone she want to.

"W-what do you want from me?"

The girl laughed loudly that's make the leaves fall off the tree while the grass dancing following her voice.

Tsu-kun put his hands on his ears and crouched down.While at the other hand,Tsuna can hear the whistling sound in his ears.

Wow,the girl was full of energy.

The girl shook her head slowly,

"I want your soul"

Tsu-kun look up to her in wonder.

"I....I want you to be my shadow,my loyal soldier...only you who fit this role"

"What are t-the advantages to me?"

The girl raised her eyebrow elegantly as she whistle.

"Well,you don't have to wait for your father to give you pocket money...your mother doesn't have to work with the son of b*tch anymore...and you hahhahaha.... you don't have to be Dame-Tsuna anymore.No one will remember about this shameful things...No one will harass your mother anymore and You.. "She pointed to Tsu-kun..

"You can be yourself.You only have to love yourself.Just yourself...oh yeah and your mother of course hahah"

Tsu-kun sat on the grass in a state of thinking.His mouth was opened widely.

In deep of his mind,he kept thinking...

...tou-san will never come home again with nii-san...

...kaa-san has been crying many times because of them...

...and dame Tsuna will remain to be dame Tsuna...

What's more painful than that?

The boy stood up from his position and with determination in his eyes...

"I understand....I accept it but with one condition...protect my mom"

The girl squealed at his cuteness and pinch his chubby cheeks...

"Kyaaaaaaa I will do anything for you Tsu-chan"

"Hehe emmm you weird"

" Yes I am and I'm proud of it"

"By the way,who are you actually?"Tsu-kun struggling to escape from the strong yet fragile girl.

"Oh yeah let me introduce my self..."

The girl cleared her throat and smile.

"My name is Miyakuni Ayuki also known as Black Angel.The only daughter of Miyakuni Sahara.From now on,we're gonna be a big happy family"


I AM TSUNAYOSHI (KHR FANFIC)#COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now