"Oh my gosh," Luna gaped.

"Yeah I know. I found it when I was upset. I was hitting my wand against the tree and I hit it three times before I started talking to myself. When I said 'always' it just opened up," Hermione told her as she sat in a large red armchair.

Luna sat in the chair opposite of Hermione. It was a deeper shade of red and seemed to adjust to Luna's body as she sat down.

"What'd you want to talk about?"

"Well...um," Luna started, "you know you parents friends the Johnsons. Their wizards?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Well..um.. When you were under the love potion we sent you to distract them while Draco and I snuck into their house. We stunned the family, except for the mother. I thought our orders were to capture them, but Draco lied. He was supposed to...." Luna trailed off.

Hermione's eyes became huge, "he didn't! Oh god Luna please tell me he didn't kill Sophia."

"He didn't," Luna whispered.

"Oh thank god,"

"I did."


"I'm sorry," Luna said and she started crying, "he had to kill her but he couldn't and he's always protected me and I knew the dark lord would kill him so I decided I'd thank him for all those times he tortured people for me. And I killed her so he wouldn't die."

Secrets Behind Nargles *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now