Chapter 22

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"I love you" Cam says

"I love you to." I say kissing him.

"Do you wanna have a make-up fun night?" He asks

I wrap my arms around his neck and bit my lip, "Only if you want to I say."

"I guess we should get going then." he says laughing and picking me up.

He carries me back to the car and we drive home. We get to the house and I hop inside and down the stupid stairs. I go to my bedroom and lay on my bed. About 1 minute later Cam comes and lays on me. We start kissing and then came the tugging.

We wake up a couple hours later when we here knocking my door.

"Ash? Have you seen Cameron?" his mom asks

"Hurry get your clothes and hide in the closet!" I whisper

Cam gets up and grabs his things and rushes to my closet then shuts the door.

"Can I come in?" she asks through the door

"Yeah." I say in a sleepy voice

The door opens and in comes Mrs. Dallas.

"Have you seen Cam? I called his phone this morning, but there was no answer." She says

"I think that he is with Nash." I say

"Those kids, I swear!" She says waking out and closing the door.

Cam comes out of the closet in his boxers.

"That was close!" I say

"To close!" he replies

"We really need to be more careful." I say

"Yeah! We need to be more sneaky." Cam says


"Huh?" he responds

"That's not what I meant..." I say

I see Cam's face get bright red.

2 weeks later after graduation

So me and Morgan are best friends now and I think that Nash and Morgan have really gotten serious. The other day I walked in on Cameron giving Nash a condom!

I didn't tell Morgan. I don't think I will because I want it to be a surprise for her! Today Cam and I are going with Morgan, Nash, Carter, Shawn, Matt, Taylor, Hayes, and Aaron, plus all of their girlfriend, out for lunch. That is 16 of us!

It is about 1:30 and we all arrive at Bob Evans. We take our seats and order. We all start to talk about social networking sites.

Aaron says, "Have you heard of the one girl on Instagram?"

"Which one?" Shawn asks

"Isn't is the one girl Kassie?" Taylor asks

"Yeah!" Aaron says

"I've heard of her!" Carter's girlfriend says

"You mean kassie2000?" I ask

"Yeah!" Matt says

"She followed me two days ago. I didn't follow her back though." I say

"Dude, you have to follow her back!!!" Hayes says

I just nudge my shoulder and change the subject.

"We have getting really popular lately!" Nash says

"Yeah look! I have 1 million followers on Vine!" Shawn says

"I have close to that many!" the guys reply

"I have 29!" I laugh

"How many do you have Cameron?" I ask

"2.8 million..." he says trying not to brag.

"WHAT!?" Nash yells!

"What?" Cam says

"You have to join us!!" Matt adds

"I don't think so." Cam says

"Come on bro! you have more followers that us!" Nash adds

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try." Cam says

"So you'll do it?" Taylor asks

"Why not!" Cam says!

I put a smile on my face and pretend I'm happy. I don't want Cam to so this because girls would be all over him! We couldn't go out in public. What if his gets so big and he dumps and forgets about me...

"So my collage starts in a week!" I say

"Sweet, what are you majoring in?" Shawn asks

"I want to be a Surgeon. There are so many types, but what ever I have the most talent for, I will do!" I say

"What kinds are there?" Hayes asks

"Well there is Cardio, Neuro, trama, general, ect!" I reply

"Sounds sweet!" Carter adds.

"Sure is." I say

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