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Vex, Rune, Thyrrn, Niruin, Viper, Delvin and I arrived back in the marketplace to find Brynjolf being completely beaten by a girl in black and silver armour, the girl was a dark elf by the look of what little skin we could see, and was using unique tactics that I had never seen before.

'Loot the place! You know what we're looking for!' A high, cold voice pierced the air.

As if waiting for permission to strike, more strangers appeared, within a few bewildered moments I was being held in a chokehold with a dagger pressed to my  throat. Vex had blood dripping down her neck, Rune was on the ground bleeding, Thyrrn was bound in glowing silver cords, Niruin was in the same situation as I was, Viper had been forced to the ground by two masked strangers, and Delvin was pressed against a nearby wall.

'Search the taken!' Came the cold voice again.

'Thorn Vii, Rose Mikai, Shade Lyid and Moon Iskim! Raid the stalls and check the entrance before reporting back to me.' Said another stranger, his skin as white as snow.

The dark elf glared at the man who had just given orders.

'I'll take it from here, I'm a higher rank than you, you're only a Night Murder, and I'm a Silver Arrow so let me do the ordering!' Snapped the dunmer.

Thorn, Rose, Shade, Moon, Night Murder, Silver Arrow...

'We demand to be taken to your leader!' I called, exchanging glances with my companions.

The dark elf nodded to two other strangers, who drew silver daggers which morphed into portable silver cells. The dark elf placed a hand on one side of a cell, which caused the bars to become misty and blurred, Vex was thrown roughly into it. The others were thrown into cells as well, the cells changed to accommodate the prisoners, luxurious black pillows appeared in the prisons so the prisoners could be somewhat comfy.

When I was shoved into my cell, the walls instantly became solid and glassy black, I tried to untie my bindings, which earned me a slap as a gloved hand reached through the wall and struck me across the face,

'We can see you, scumbag.' snarled a voice.  

I sighed and leaned against the glassy wall, sleep overcoming me.

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