Love Will Find It's Way (Chapter 1)

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This is a story of how love found its way.

Jennifer POV:

*phone rings*

Ugh who could that be, calling at 2:30am

should I even pick up that stupid phone?

"Hello????" I answered very annoyed.

"Hi Ms. This is cleaning services would you li-"

"No." Then I hung up the phone.

Oh my god did that guy just call for cleaning services at 2:30am?

I'm so tired.

The Next Morning

Another typical day, getting dressed to go to work at my very interesting job as a . I said sarcastically in my head.

"Good morning Jenny" said my good friend and neighbour Leah.

"good morning, are you coming to work?"

"No no, I gotta go to New Orleans today.. Remember?"

Oh yes. I remember now, Leah is going to New Orleans to see her friend, She told me his name is Harry. I wish I could come with her but to be honest I haven't been anywhere else but here in New York. This is my home. It's where I belong.

"Have fun, call me when you get back!" I told Leah as she packed up her things and got in her car.

I checked my watch: 11:50Pm.

Darn gotta go! i'm supposed to be at work by 12:00 sharp. can't afford to be late!

I ran to the bus stop, went in and put my coin in that thingy that you pay for at the front of the bus.

This is gonna be a long day.....

Harry's POV:

Leah is coming today! I can't wait to see her, she was one of my best childhood friends and I have a lot to tell her.

My life has been everything but Ordinary. I got a job offer to be on Broadway. Ever since I was little, I've always loved singing and performing and I'm so glad that I finally get to do it instead of working for the family business. My parents don't support this "Hollywood stuff" they think it's just going to get me broke and on the streets.

but it's what I love to do and I want to do it no matter what they think; it's my life.

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" Shouted Leah.

"Oh my god LEAH!!!!!!!!!!" I couldn't help but get excited.

Then we hugged.

"How've you been? Nice to see you old pal"

Leah smiled.

"Good, good! I got in to broadway and they said New Orleans may be looking at the future superstar"

"Really??? Oh my god I'm so happy for you harry!!" Leah said while still smiling.

"So how's it like in New York? Did you make any friends?"

"It's pretty cool. I love it, yes, I made a really good friend; in fact she's my best friend her name is Jennifer Lopez, you should meet her she's a lot like you, you guys share the same passion singing and performing"

Leah seemed as though she was trying to hook me up with her. Haha.

"Oh cool, I'd love to meet her! Is she here?"

"No.. She's in New York actually, she wanted to come but you know her Job and she really only stays in new york" Leah's smile started to fade away.

"Oh.. Well I guess next time, maybe?"

"Yes, maybe.. hey look I gotta go check into a hotel, we'll talk later okay?" Leah hugged me and left.

Well. Now what? I'm bored.

Hmm.. Maybe I could google Jennifer?

Don't know if I'll find her but maybe she has Facebook or something.

I typed "Jennifer Lopez"

10,098 results.

Oh fuck well okay this is hard.

Leah's POV:

About to check into my hotel, New Orleans looks exactly like it used to be when I was a kid. I remember everything. Harry was still the same outgoing, funny, sweet guy.

I love it here; I want to stay.

but harry seems a little alone, I need to find him a girlfriend if he doesn't have one already.

I want him to be happy.

Jennifer's POV:

Well I'm at work and bored as hell.

I never wanted to be a stupid waitress, I want to be a dancer. This sucks.

I turn on my phone and log on to facebook.

Oh i got a notification.

One friend request: Harry Connick Jr.

Hmm, Is this the harry that Leah was talking about?

I accept it anyway.

"Hi excuse me, Ma'am can i get a strawberry shake?"

A customer asked.

"Oh huh, yeah yeah sure.. coming right up"

I really hate this job.

Love Will Find It's Way (Chapter 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora