"Do you have something?" I ask and then I change what I am looking for when the spirits start whispering. "Do you have a flower.... particularly blue?"

When they just look at me I bring my hand up and scratch the back of my neck with a wince.

"We don't have a blue flower." Daddy informs slowly in though.

"If we did it would be dead by now." The friend says, doubt seeing from his every being.

Looking over to Dane I give a small frown making him frown in return. "The flower doesn't have to necessarily be living." he states trying to get all of the pressure off of me.

Looking to daddy I ask "Can we go to her house?"

"I don't have time." he says looking down at his watch.

"Some other time maybe." I agree with a small shrug not too worried about it.

"I'll take her." Dane offers making both me and daddys head snap up toward him.

Daddy thinks on it a second making me quickly shake my head. "Naww that's alright, another day is good." I inform walking to the door to leave the morgue.

"Have her home buy seven." daddy bargains making me stop in my tracks.

"Did you not hear me?" I ask to deff ears.

Practically beaming Dane agrees "I'll have her home at seven."

"I must not be here." I say loudly making the friend shoot me a small smirk ad the other two continue to ignore me.

"We'll go out and grab a bite when I get back." dady offers opening the door for me.

"So is this ignore Ember's opinion day or..?" I ask slowly giving daddy a heated looks.

"I really wish you would take those off of your face." daddy complains ignoring me once more.

"They freak people out." I mumble climbing into the truck.

"No they interest people." Dane informs climbing into the back.

Rolling my eyed behind my glasses I buckle my belt staying silent. Daddy gets into the driver seat quickly leaving the parking lot.

As we drive I sit silently watching as we leave town and start into the woods that surround the town.

Wondering why the girl would live clear out here in the middle of just trees I go to open my mouth and ask daddy but before I can we break into a clearing.

In the middle of the clearing is a large  white four story house. On the first and second floor a porch raps around the whole hose and on the fourth floor a small balconies rests in front of two glad double doors.

In front of the house are more than twenty cars all lines up in front of a large garage.

"She lives here?" I ask confused looking out of the window when daddy pulls to a stop.

Chuckling daddy informs "This is Danes house."

Even more confused I mumble "I don't remember this." what I remember is an old ranch home, not a four story mansion.

"You were half out of it baby girl." daddy agrees patting my knee.

"Why are we here?" I ask confused turning to watch Dane and his friend get out of the car.

"Dane needs his vehicle." daddy mumbles motioning for me to get out of his truck.

"You could have said no." I grumble staying put.

Rolling his eyes daddy mumbles "We've Been on this case for a month and have got nothing."

"Fine." I grumble pushing the door to his truck open.

Jumping down from the truck I slamb it before turning to the front of the house. Pushing my sunglasses up the bridge of my nose I watch daddy pull away not knowing what to do.

"You gonna come in little?" Dane asks making me jump slightly in surprise.

"Aren't we leaving...?" I ask slowly looking around the yard a little uncomfortable.

"I get a feeling you don't like me much." he states sounding a little hurt.

Taking the sunglasses off of my fave I give a tired sigh and run my hands over my eyes. "That's not it."

"What is it then?" he asks with a little relief getting closer to me. He takes my sunglasses from my hand and puts them in his back pocket.

Looking from his pocket and back to his face I state "I need those."

"No you don't, your eyes are beautiful." he says boldly making me all the more surprised.

"You are new." I inform simply wanting to leave it at that.

"What do you mean new?" he asks walking toward the many cars parked in the lot.

"I've met others like you but they were never as interesting."

Smirking Dane opens the door to a Ram for me watching as I climb inside. Much like my father he reaches for the seatbelt making me frown.

Taking it from him I inform "I'm capable Dude."

Dane chuckles lightly and let's go of the seatbelt going over to his side.

"You seem pretty set on me not being human."

Because you aren't." I income grabbing my sunglasses when he sets them in the cup holder.

"What am I then?" he asks grabbing the sunglasses back from me as he pulls onto the road.

Shrugging I look from my glasses on his lap and back to the side of his chizzled face. "I'll figure it out."

"You could just ask." he informs seriously making me frown.

Setting back against the seat I look at the trees as they past stating "Asking doesn't make it fun."

BansheeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя