Chapter Nine

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Keith's POV

I woke up in the hospital bed. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't. Every time I tried, it hurt. I tried looking around, but it didn't do me any good because I couldn't see clearly. Everything was . . . Blurry.

Makaia's POV

"Makaia?" I snapped out of my gaze and stared at the nurse.

"Yes?" I said with my shaky voice.

"Come with me." Rashad looked over at me giving the 'it's okay' face. I got up, grabbed the box full of our things, and followed the nurse. She took me through this single door. Then we walked down this really long hallway. Made three rights and two lefts until finally, we were there. The nurse opened the door and walked inside. She took his temperature and then checked his blood pressure. I'm so glad he's still breathing.

"He's in a coma. He can hear you, he just can't see you. I'm gonna go, I have another patient to be dealing with, but I'll be back to give him his medicine."

"Okay, thank you."

Once the nurse left, I grabbed my teddy bear out the box and walked over to his bed.

"Hey babe, it's me." I stared at his boring, quiet body. "Um, I know you can't see me, and I'm not really sure you can hear me, but if you can, that's great. If not, then I guess I hope that somehow, someday, you do."

I took a deep breath and stared down at his body. It's amazing how much something can change in such little time. "I don't know if you remember, but you gave me this teddy bear a couple of years back. . . When we got in that car accident. You told me it was my way of having you with me when I'm scared and you couldn't be there for me. Well guess what Bryshere, I'm scared. I don't want the teddy bear, I want you. Truth is, I'm scared I'm gonna lose you. I'm scared that you'll leave me and your last thought of me'll be our argument. It hurts seeing you like this knowing I caused it. I did this. It's all my fault. Bryshere, I am so sorry. Baby please, I need you. I love you."

His body looked so emotionless, so numb. I drowned in the deep, deep thoughts of me losing him. Until my phone vibrated. I pulled it out my pocket and went to Instagram.

Kieth Powers wants to follow you. |Accept||Decline|

I accepted it and followed him back. Just I was about to turn my phone off, I got a text.

Kieth Powers: hey, I heard about what happened with Bryshere, I'm sorry.

I stared at the text, trying to figure out who this guy was, and then I texted him back.

Me: thanks, it means a lot

Kieth Powers: no prob. . . Oh another thing . . . I'm here at the hospital if you ever want to talk

Me: thanks

Kieth Powers: sorry that came off kinda weird

Me: nah G it's cool it's cool

Kieth Powers: you sure? 🤔

Me: positive

I set my phone on the hospital bed. Then I pulled up a chair. After the chair was next to Bryshere, I sat down and tried to fall asleep.

Bryshere Gray: Live In The MomentМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя