Chapter 24

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Mira's POV 

I walked with Niall down the hall until we got to our English classroom. I looked up at him and got an excited feeling. I just realized that Niall was actually going to be in class with me, suddenly school seemed more bearable. But I spoke too soon, when I walked into the room, all eyes were on me. The kids who were a minute ago being loud and talking over eachother left and right, suddenly slowed to whispers and were eyeing me and eachother. I kind of hid behind Niall without realizing it. Niall seems to notice, and gives my hand a quick squeeze. I sat down in the back nervously. I knew the kids were any minute going to start in with all their stupid questions about where I've been and if I'm pregnant or not. I buried my face in my hands. I didn't want Niall to think I'm a loser at school....I mean I am, but I don't want Niall to know that! I didn't want him hear all the rumors about me and Zayn, because how uncomfortable for him is that? 

"Mira?" Some quiet girls voice asks me. I look up, and see the girl who never talks much, but is always sweet to people. I always liked her, but never knew her name. 

"Hi." I say, giving her a half smile. 

"I don't want to be annoying or anything, but after you left school and everything, I just wanted to make sure you were ok." She says. I perked up in my seat. I couldn't believe it. Someone for once wasn't asking about me being pregnant or commenting on how big of a slut I am. I gave her a warm smile now.

"Thanks." I say. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." I didn't know what else to say, but my response was a far cry from what I wanted to say. I wanted to say thank you for being the first real human being at this school that actually cares about other people. Well I guess theres Amber too....but she's Amber. The girl just smiles and looks all cute and says "ok good." Wow I really love her. Why am I not her friend? Niall leans over to me.

"Who was that, she seemed nice." Niall says.

"This is gonna sound bad but I have no clue what her name is." I say. Then suddenly, right when I was about to say something to Niall, some guy comes bounding into the classroom, and sits right on my desk. He almost sat on my hands. I pulled back surprised.

"Heyyy there Servati. Zayn's been lookin for you all damn day." He says, pulling off his snapback and then swishing it back on the other way. I roll my eyes. 

"Hey man, could you get off the lady's desk?" Niall says. I turn to him surprised, but a grin spreads across my face. The guy looks at him. I knew this douche was one of Zayn's friends. Why are all his friends complete dicks?

"Who the fuck are you?" The guy says, pulling out a piece of gum from his pocket. 

"I'm Niall." Niall says nicely. I sort of giggled. He's always so polite to everyone. 

"Ah, cool." He says, then turns back to me, not moving from his seat on my desk. "Well anyway, Zayn's gonna wait for you outside after class, he told me to tell ya that." I frown.

"Woah wait I don't want to-" But I'm cut off. 

"Ight, cool. Cya kiddo." He says, then ruffles the top of my head. I cringe. Can he that. 

All through class I couldn't pay attention. I kept tapping my foot nervously on the side of the desk, and chewing on my pencil. Why does Zayn want to see me? I couldn't talk to Zayn with Niall here! I mean I know Niall wouldn't think theres anything going on between us, he's too smart for that...but then again, he did see me grind on Zayn at the party....god I keep forgeting about that. When the bell finally rang, I jumped in my seat. Shit shit shit. I anixously glanced out the doorway and my heart leaped. Zayn was leaning up against the door frame, waiting for me. i swallowed hard.

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