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Hiccup ran swiftly through the woods. Dodging roots and low branches as they came.

        "Astrid! Where are you?!" Hiccup cried. He heard another one of Astrid's screams and started sprinting.  Please, don't let it be to late, he thought, please.

        Hiccup ditched the running and juped up into the trees, leaping from branch to branch. At the moment, he thanked Thor for vampirism. 

        Hiccup then jumped down from the trees and landed in a large, famliar clearing. 

        Astrid's sweet scent entered Hiccup's nostrils, and he knew she was near. Thunder roared in the background as Hiccup slowly moved to the center of the clearing. Oh, Astrid, where are you? 

        Just the thought of her being in trouble and him not being there sent shiver's down Hiccup's spine. Don't think like that, he scolded himself. She'll be fine

        He heard rustling in the woods behind him. Hiccup whiped around making a fighting stance, ready to pouce on whoever was coming. 

        To Hiccup's suprise, it was Astrid who came out of the woods, holding her stomach.

        "Astrid," he smiled. She's okay.

        "Hiccup," she smiled a little too, before her knees too weak to hold her weight and she falls. Hiccup ran and caught her bfore she hit the ground.

        "Astrid?" he asked softly. She moved her arms revealing the black blood that was staining her shirt. "No," he starts tearing up. "No, Astrid. Astrid, I can heal you. Okay? How much does it hurt?"

        "It- it doesn't," she stammered.

        Both of their eyes started to water. "H- Hiccup," Astrid whimpered weakly, "I just- I want you to know,  that I- I-" she gasps in pain and doesn't move another inch.

        "No," he whimpered. "No, Astrid. Please don't leave me." He held her impossibly closer. "Please. I love you."

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