Segment 8

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"I reached Hyderabad. Please, the time is running out. What's next?"

"No hurry chic! Do as I say. Go to the mall OUTFIT.COM. Enter the shop as a customer. Reach the 6th floor and reach the 3rd stall. Acquire a packet from under the table. Do it in an expert way. No one should get any doubt.  Not even an inkling. Mind it."

"What for?"

"Do. It. Or else go home and arrange a pyre for your people." the villain rankled

"No. Sorry. I'm on my way."

Oorvi bobbed her legs nervously as she sat in the cab. Then came her destination. The adrenalin flew over her veins. She had no idea what she was upto.

(Ritwik from Oorvi's house)

"Ayush! Note down the car number and trace it immediately. I do not tolerate any negligence." jabbered Ritwik to Ayush.

"How may I help you?" greeted a sculpted man in a uniform, looking confused. "Madam, it's almost closing time. Be sure you're quick mam."

Oorvi squinted at him like her eyes went out of focus, it'd clear in a minute. Still, she was unable to understand his confusion .But, she ignored him. She had an irrefutable work at hand. She was triumphant in reaching the 6th floor and  extracting the packet from under the stall. She started texting.

"What's this?"

"Go on. Start applying the powder at random on some of the clothes ."

"What are you making me do? I'm not a puppet."

This raised the villain's spleen.

"Very well you're and a scallywag too. Don't forget who's in the hospital."

"Yes. Okay."

Oorvi proceeded towards the sales people. She managed a smile. "Show me some outfits please." She clasped the garments and headed towards the trail room.

She doesn't know if she could call this as a nightmare. All she wanted was to sit chatting with her mom and Ritwik. She wished that someone would save her but no one was there. A cry broke from her lips. What am I doing? She had lost sense of how long she'd been there, in the trail room. She trembled the same way people did in winter. She cradled the packet in her lap. She hadn't volunteered this, but yet, she has to. Her heart was hammering unable to derive a decision. She took out her phone.

"I'm scared. Tell me what's this."

"Scaring is just the part of a course, brat. Do as said."


No reply.

She gave a think back. She knew that she had to do something to mitigate the uneasy situation. She mustered her courage and unfastened the packet and did as told. Every step she took was a path between two fears. The unbeknownst out-turn of the powder and the situation of her people. She sprucely rejected the dresses and handed them to the salesmen.

"I did as told. Give me the antidote."

"Hunt for the sign 'FLOOR UNDER CONSTRUCTION' and ........"

Oorvi texted. "Yes! I got them. But are these the real antidotes?"

"Yes. I already ruined you. I got what I want. Go home. It's all your problem now."

"What is that powder?"

No reply.

"Reply. Please. What did you ruin?"

No reply.

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