Segment 6

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The thought of her beloved ones made Oorvi unnerved. Grumbling and talking to herself, she grabbed her pouch and keys to set off. Her intuition warned her to go by a public transport. She threw the keys on her bed. She strided towards the end of the road and boarded an auto. All she knew was to go through any risk to extricate her mom and her family of orphans from the mortal peril.

She implemented the letter as said and reached the PLAZO park. She clutched her own phone and scrupled before launching it in the dustbin as it was the world of connection with her mates. She was helpless and couldn't do anything but doing as said( by the villain). She turned on the new phone. In it lay a message.

"Go to the place. It is ELEVATED but LATE and a BAD place . Reply with a decoded message and get the next directions."

Oorvi's vision disfigured, as if she were looking through an old man's eye. She checked her watch. The clock is ticking at double its speed. She felt tired. Empty. Hollow. She longed to talk to Ritwik. But, if the villain comes to know of it, Oh my! Oorvi couldn't imagine any further. She felt nothing will be ever okay again.

(The girl, the owner of the audi, donned and set off in her car to the airport.)

 Ritwik rushed to Oorvi's house. He could imagine the proceedings. The door was open ajar. He turned on the lights and glanced around, half expecting to see Oorvi. But, all he registered was flatness. Oorvi's wallet was peeked out of the jumble, her car keys seemed like they had been denied. Where could Oorvi have gone? His mind went blank. He sat there replaying the video Ayush had sent him. Something peculiar has caught his eye. He zoomed into it. Observance of spooky things was as easy as falling off a log for him as he was the head of the CCTV surveillance team of the entire city, with Ayush as his subordinate.

Oorvi's mind is into it. She kept thinking hard but was unable to decode it. She took a deep breath. A thought occurred to her mind. She googled all the places which are elevated. She made a list of hill stations and popular mountains but couldn't relate them to either LATE or BAD. Beside Oorvi, stood a girl in her teens with eyes full of bliss having a phone convo, maybe, with her boyfriend.

"Darling! It's been a long time since I've seen you (making many faces). Let's meet." told her boy expectantly.

"Stop it! Don't be silly. How's it possible with me (atleast my body, as my heart is with you) here and you in HYDERABAD." She babbled to her boyfriend.

Oorvi had the bad habit of eavesdrop. But, this time it's been all good. The word HYDERABAD made the bells ring in her head. Something struck to Oorvi's mind. She repeated the word HYDERABAD in an undertone. Blimey!! She deciphered it at last. "Thankyou!"  she shouted at the girl. The girl was shellshocked.

"Who's that? Your friend?" enquired her boyfriend.

"Donno. Some girl. Seems that she has a nervous breakdown, saying thanks for no reason. Never mind. Come on! What else?" The girl carried on........

The girl didn't know what she has just done. She helped Oorvi in cracking the code. Oorvi's voice (HYDERABAD.....HYDERABAD...)  reverberated in her head with immense excitement.  She took a pen and a paper and started confirming her answer.

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