Chapter 54: Gotta Get Out

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Note: this is the start of a new school year for Raven. Mini and tyler have fully healed.

Raven's POV
I'm at school. I'm waiting on the principle. I'm not in trouble, just need to talk to her. I want to graduate early. Like next year our the end of this early. I'm in 10th grade at the moment and it's the 3rd week of school. Mrs.Garza called me in. She was 5'10, bright hazel eyes, long wavy brown hair in a pony tail, wore light make up, always looked like a business person with black earrings that looked like dogs, and wore black high heels with a two inch heel. She was married to a welder, has two sons and a daughter.
"Good morning miss wine. How may I help you?" She smiled as I sat in front of her big brown desk after she called me in.
"I was wondering if there was a way for me to graduate early." I said.
"There is. How early?" She asked.
"Either by the end of this year or next year. I just want to get school over with and I'll do whatever it takes." I smiled.
"You seem very determined. Let me pull up your grades...-pulls up grades on computer-...your grades are high A's and you haven't caused any trouble. You'll have to take some pretty difficult test. Only your 4 majors. History, Science, English (reading and writing) and Math. You have 3 tries with all 4. If you don't pass, you can try again next year. If you pass with this year, you will graduate with this years seniors." She smiled.
"What's my dead line?" I asked.
"The end of this school year is June 8th. You have until the end of May." She said looking at the computer.
"I'm up for the challenge. Do I still go to classes as normal?" I asked.
"Yes but if you go to the library and talk to Miss Bird, she will give you the books to study from. For example, if you were ready for science and history but not ready for math and English, you can take the first two and take the other two last. Or how ever you want to do it. You have all year until the end of May. It takes a few days to grade the test. A senior teacher from each subject will grade your test." She said while writing me a pass to the library. "I've written the teachers names and their subjects down for you. You can go to them for tutorials if you need help. They don't mind helping determined students." She smiled. I thanked her and headed to the library. Miss Bird always wore a dress that was of solid color. Her red hair was short just above her shoulders, she wore bright blue glasses, black converse, she was 5'8 and had a beam of sunshine. She was putting books up.
"Miss Bird." I said softly. She turned towards me.
"Hello! How may I help you?" She smiled. She was wearing a long purple flowy dress.
"I was wondering you could help me.. I want to graduate early and Mrs.Garza said I need four books to study from." I said handing her the note Mrs.Garza wrote.
"Oh! I have what you need but in my office. Follow me!" She sang a little. I followed her but stopped at the big brown desk where you check out books while she went in her office. She came out with four kinda thick books.
"These are what you need. May I have your school id please?" She asked smiling. I pulled out my wallet and gave her my school id. She scanned it then the books. History was the thickest of them all. Math was the skinniest. She slid me the books with my id. I put my id up then I put the books in my (favorite color) back pack.
"With these books, you will need separate spirals to work with them. They self explanatory but the problems can be a bit hard. Good luck." She smiled.
"Thank you ma'am." I smiled and left to go back to home room.

After school

I got in my car, was about to put my bag in the passenger seat when Julian knocked my window. I rolled it down.
"Sup?" I asked.
"Can I please have a ride home? I car pulled with khris but he went home sick." He asked.
"No problem, hop in." I laughed. I put my bag behind us. Julian got in the passenger seat and sighed.
"Somethin wrong?" I asked as I drove out of the school parking lot and headed to nicks. Julian's dad kicked him out of his place so Julian now lives with nick.
"Just tired." He shrugged. I heard his stomach growl.
"Have you ate?" I asked as I stopped at a stop light.
"No.. I put my paycheck towards my phone and car." He shrugged again. I pulled into McDonald's.
"Raven yo-." I cut him off.
"Don't worry, I'm hungry too and I'll pay for both of us. No need to pay me back." I smiled as I went in the drive threw. We ordered and I paid. After we got our food, I parked in a spot and we ate while we watched youtube videos. Evan posted a gmod deathrun video. Julian noticed to ring on my finger.
"So, still wanna marry Evan?" Julian asked.
"Yup! He makes me happy." I smiled at him.
"Good. We want you happy." He smiled.
"Still thinkin about askin Sam?" I asked. They've been together for a few years. I think like 5 years.
"Yeah. She's put up with my shit this long." He laughed.
"True and she has mentioned she's been having dreams about y'all gettin married." I 'accidentally' said.
"Really?" Julian was shocked with his mouth full of a mctriple.
"Yes." I laughed.
"Good to know." His mouth was still full. After we ate, I drove threw the drive threw again to get somethin for nick...I felt bad. Then I drove him home with a full belly and a shake. I got one for mini and tyler. I parked my car behind mini and went inside. I heard them in their office's. I walked up to Tyler's first. They were recording a golf video.
"DAMN IT SMITTY!!!" Tyler screeched. Mini was laughing.
"One chocolate shake from McDonald's!" I smiled.
"Thanks Raven!" He smiled. "Raven got me a chocolate shake from McDonald's." He said in the call. I went to mini's office.
"I GOT ONE TWO!!!" Mini said excited. I handed him his and laughed. "Thank yoooouuuuu!" He smiled.
"No problem dad!" I laughed and hugged him. Mini putted his ball and looked up at me.
"How was school?" He asked taking a spool full of his shake.
"It was good! I talked to Mrs.Garza about graduating early." I smiled.
"That's good! Got what you need?" He asked.
"Four big books." I sighed.
"You got this Raven! If you need help, just asked." He smiled. "So did the guys. They said they don't mind helping."
"Tell then I said thanks! I'm gonna go do homework." I smiled and walked into my room. I pulled out my homework. All I had was math...yay.
(I wasn't good at math when I was in school.)
I started on it but got stuck. I skyped Evan.

"Hey babe! How was school?" He asked.
"It was good! I talked to Mrs.Garza about graduating early and I have these to study from. I have to take four big test from these but whenever I'm ready." I said holding up the books.
"Damn. I'd start with what your weak subjects then your strongest for last." He smiled.
"I have until the end of May to take the test. I can take one at a time if I wanted. Four senior teachers of each subject will grade my test. I may need help with math." I sighed. History and Science are my strong subjects. English is meh but math was the death of me.
"I can help you with math and science. History and English is a different story." He shrugged.
"Thanks babe. How was your day?" I asked.
"I had lunch with delirious and uploaded two videos. Gonna go to the gym later." He smiled.
"What did you have for lunch?" I laughed.
"Subway! You?" He asked.
"I was gonna have a burger but it was crappy and tasted old. So I went to McDonald's after school with Julian. He needed a ride home." I shrugged.
"I'm sorry babe.. atleast you had somethin good after school." He smiled.

We talked more as I did homework. Then I started to work on the math book. I was getting stuck but thankfully Evan helped me. He said he was gonna help me this weekend. I know Bryce and Ohm were good with English. I'll asked them next.

Sorry that was about school...I felt like Raven would do this. I wish I did..
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