red queen. ( open! )

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TITLE: Red Queen*
OC NAME: Wanda Maximoff
FACE CLAIM: Poppy Drayton

TITLE: Red Queen*LOVE INTEREST: N/A* MOVIE: AUOC NAME: Wanda Maximoff FACE CLAIM: Poppy Drayton

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bow before your ruler, leader of the isle genosha,
inslaver of men, queen of the house of m—
destroyer of mutants!


Wanda was uncertainly unstable. Everyone knew it was just a matter of time before she broke. So her father locked her far away in a island called Genosha, where he thought no one could ever talk to her. Big mistake.

After having escaped, the deranged girl has made it her mission to destroy all mutants. The usual. Turns out a crazy witch has a lot more tricks up her sleeve then people give her credit for.


— in case you don't know, in the comics, wanda destroys 90% of the mutant population on earth after having a mental breakdown

— she's going to be super cocky and arrogant because she believes she is the ruler of earth

— her powers are slowly cracking away at her mental stability. the more she uses them, the more deranged she gets

— she is crazy. like, an actual psychopath. she finds pleasure in other people's pain

— why does she want to destroy mutants when she is one? she believes she is the only mutant who deserves to live

— but then she gets cozy in the mutant underground having had escape, especially with polaris, as they're way more alike then it seems

— they don't know they're sisters, and wanda is getting soft, which is ruing her world domination plan

— and she maybe has a crush on blink but shhh

( plot by kitty! )

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