⬅Chapter 15:(part 2) he's dead she's lost ➡

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I felt a hard foot to my stomach, and I let out a strangled breath I grunt but kept myself on all fours.
my hair came out of its ponytail and fell around my face and shoulders as I spit out blood. Then I felt my hair being pulled forcing my head back. My hands fell up to his wrist and I gripped it hard as he stood me upright.

I looked up at Morse who was intently staring at me but smirking all the while. This is what he wants but he won't get it, not from me. He killed my mom just so I can have that hatred in my heart towards him so when we fought I would give it my all.
I felt my head being pulled back even more and that's when I winced. I could feel Morse's  hot breath on the side of my face.

"what? No fight? Not savage enough for you?" he taunted pissing me of.

And then aburtly he banged my head against the wall that he stood beside.

My hands flew to my forehead and I could feel the thickness of my blood and feel it as it begun to drip down the side of my face.

My head was spinning but like all the other hits I've had it was nothing. I groaned and turn on my front. My vision was starting to get a little blurry.

I felt another hard kick to the gut again and I grunted and flattered a little. But I regained my position and started crawling slowly. The hit to the wall was harder than I thought.

I felt another kick and this time I feel over on my back. I looked up to see Morse's smiling face.

"well at least one of us is enjoying them self" I joked in a strain voice and turned on my front again to get up. I turned to Morse only to be greeted with a sock.

More blood. I spit it out and started laughing. Then I get another kick to my stomach. Goddammit! what was with this guy and kicking me. My ribs are about to give out.

I looked up at some hanging ropes and used them as my guide. When I reached the corner wall I leaned against it, breathing in and out roughly, I wiped my mouth as I  looked at Morse.

"your good. I'll give you that" I lied, breathlessly.

He was clenching and unclenching his fist.

"but I'm sorry, I'm never gonna give you what you want am never fighting back!"

His smile dropped and turned into a glare and he advance to me as my laugh grew.
He bent down and held me by the throat, picking me up he put his other hand on my throat and started to squeeze I smile as I felt the air go out if me little by little.

"not gonna fight huh?" he asked. I laughed weakly "never"

My oxygen was cut of and my hands instinctively wrapped around his wrist and he was lifting me up, still conling me. My vision started to get blurry again as I felt him shift. I could feel a sense of hesitation.

Each second as the air was cut of I felt myself becoming weak.

"Krystal!" Dylan yelled.

I tried to focus on him but the blurriness of my vision was too strong.

"fight back!" Dylan yelled desperately. "please!" I heard a punch like sound and knew it was Dylan getting hit.

"shut it" someone yelled furiously.

My eyes close briefly. Fight back!, fight! Those words ringed in my ears over and over again and it seemed to be getting louder.

FIGHT BACK!! A voice in my head demand harshly and I knew it was my parents.

My eyes flew open and they were suddenly locked on Dylan, his dying figure, limped on the ground. I felt something in me rise. Something deadly. And when I see Dylan's eyes started to close. I felt that something reached its peak and I snapped.

I gripped Morse's arm and abruptly brought my legs up and kicked him hardcore in the gut his grip on my neck loosened as he yelp and I turned halfway and elbowed him in the mouth making him stumble back I turned around quick and did a round house kick and he flew to the floor.

He managed to get up on all fours,  I gave a bloody smirk and kicked him in the stomach, the same place where he kicked me. He grunted in pain and I did it again, harder than before.

His back flew up against the wall, and I advance towards him with a deadly feeling inside.

I picked him up by the throat and head butted him hard making his nose start to bleed on the spot. My hand went up to the back of her head and I brought it down to meet  my knee halfway and knees him square in the mouth. He fell to the floor but then got up quickly and stumbled. He wiped his mouth and winced. And my the look in his eyes I could tell he regrets getting me out. I smirked.

"what....not hard enough for you?" I chuckled. He glared getting up and once again we started circling each other.
This should be fun... A voice sneered in my head.
The sight of him pleased me. His nose was still bleeding so as his mouth. I spit out the remaining blood in my mouth to the side and smirked at him.

"why so cocky all of a sudden?" he asked clenching his stomach.

"because you did this, you caused  your own death" I laughed.

He croaked his head to the side "how so?, I'm not dead yet" he glared.

"You know there's a reason why things are locked away, why I was locked away to be exact I was a monster, a killing weapon for the desires of my parent but you already know that don't you?,  you were always there... Yeah I remembered you from I was a child I never feared you and maybe that's why you've seeked this certain interest in me. But I'm gonna teach you something my parents taught me. The number 1# rule.

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