Window (Continued)

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KEN:     In the hush of silence / And muted words / I shall call you, / With the best / That my ten fingers can do, / I shall serve you / I shall enthrone you / In my heart, / There / You shall be my window / You shall gather the light / For through you shines / My happiness.

VICTORIA:     Someday, you must recite this poem when you propose to marry me.

Wallstreet and Ken look at each other, then Victoria. She is glaring at them, waiting for their acquiescence. Seriously. The boys synchronously nod "okay".

A beautiful WOMAN with her long flowing hair covering her naked breasts emerges out of the water a short distance from the boat. She waves at the kids, who wave back. She sings a beautiful song.

Victoria puts her forefinger on her lips to hush the boys. They all look at the woman and listen. At the end of the song, the woman smiles at the kids, waves her hand and swims away. We see her fish tale. She is a mermaid. She disappears in the water.

VICTORIA:     Did you know that a mermaid's song is an omen? When you hear it, someone close to you will either leave you...or die.

The boys drift into silence, bewildered, staring at each other, wondering if Victoria is really serious about it.


Footage showing the landing of General Douglas MacArthur and the Allied Forces in Leyte, Philippines. We hear General MacArthur's radio broadcast.

GENERAL MACARTHUR:     (V.O.)   People of the Philippines, I have returned!



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