Chapter 5: The New Pinky

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Ok. I'm going to make Laxus stronger in this story since now that he has a rival, he actually has something pushing him to become more powerful, so I'm going to have him, along with Danny, become the youngest S class wizards, instead of Erza.

2 year later.... (x777)

I was coming back from a mission and it was an S-class mission. I just became S-class along with Laxus in last year's trial.

While normally, only one person makes S-class per year, Master finally had it after we fought for nearly 2 days straight and gave us both the title before we destroyed the Tenrou Island, making us the youngest wizards ever in Fairy Tail to achieve S-class at the age of 14.

I could still feel the pain in my ears for all the yelling we got after we clashed using Dragon Force and Phantom Mode.

Oh, and I also found out that my Phantom Magic can also produce vibrant green fire! Isn't that so cool?!

I just wanted try to see if my ice could become hot and it turned into fire, which really surprised me.

I gained the alias 'Ice Spirit' after a couple of my jobs and gotten plenty of articles about me on Sorcerer's Weekly.

We also received some new members as well. The most notable ones were Gray Fullbuster, the Strauss siblings, and Erza Scarlet. When they came to the guild, I could almost tell immediately that they were the same as me through their eyes, or eye in Erza's case.

They've gone through hell and back, losing many loved ones along the process. Seeing the signs of torture on Erza brought back many unpleasant memories, but I tried my best to act like a big brother for the five of them, even though I have no idea how to do it. I just wanted to give them the happiness that they deserve.

Gray saw me as an older brother figure when he found out I could use ice and looks up to me. I try to give him advice here and there about the different ways to use his Ice Make Magic, but our ices are too different so I wasn't able to help him as much as I would've liked to.

Over time, Erza started to get used to the guild and became the strict and scary mother to most of the guild. And by most, I mean to anyone who wasn't S-class as she wasn't strong enough to get in between of Laxus's and my fights. She eventually gave up and just left us alone.

Then, Mira got used to this place and installed fear in many people in the guild through her demonic power. She didn't care one bit about the rules and did whatever she wanted, which caused her to clash with rule loving Erza many times.

Many people blame Laxus and I for being a bad influence...

Speaking of Laxus, recently, he and the rest of the Thunder God Tribe have been getting more and more distant from the guild, claiming that it's full of weaklings and losers.

I admit that most of the members of the guild aren't as strong as us, but that doesn't mean they're weak. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses, but Laxus seems to only focus on the latter.

I know about how Master kicked out his own son and Laxus's father out of the guild for harming another guild member. Laxus still seems to be bitter about it as he believed that it was cold of Master to kick out his own family.

That incident only fanned the fire in the relationship between Laxus and Makarov as Laxus always felt like he was constantly in the shadow of his grandfather and never got credit and recognition for what he did. It was always 'it's because he's Makarov Dreyar's grandson' wherever he went and he started to feel resentment towards Master due to that.

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