Ch. 40 The True Masters Part 4

Start from the beginning

He looked up at me. "I can't hold this. Go, while there's still time!"

I pulled myself together and jumped off of the ground, time returning to normal immediately after letting go. Time Man was hit by the attack, and launched into the air before smacking into a wall with a devastating crunch. He dropped limply to the ground.

I made my way through the door, looking back to see Bomb Man throw his explosive into the mess of technology in the back. Immediately afterward, a door slammed down in between me and the room.

Now alone again, I quietly walked through the hallway, arriving in another dark room. It was almost entirely empty, except for Dr. Wily standing on the other side, a scatterbrained smile across his face.

"You've done well to get this far, Mega Man. I'm very impressed."

"Enough." I replied, raising my buster. "Whatever you've got planned, shut it down."

He rolled his eyes. "Please, we both know you can't hurt me. And if that's true, you might as well listen into a little story."

I didn't lower my weapon, but I knew what he said was true. 

"Where should I begin? Where any good story does, I suppose. Once upon a time, in a world light years away, there existed a race of powerful creatures. An alien species, which were masters of technology, creating advanced weaponry with their superior intellect and understanding of the universe."

I swallowed. This was already making me uncomfortable.

He walked slowly to the side as he continued, "This species was also a warring race. They sought to absorb planets into their empire. They conquered multiple different planets near their own, and implemented their resources and technology. They formed an empire that was the greatest ever created several thousand fold."

He stopped. "And eventually, they turned to robotics. They sought to create an army. One that could be infinitely replaced, and one that could fight with a unique ruthlessness. They wanted warriors that could think, but still follow their commands. And so, they created them. A massive army of robotic warriors, the first true Robot Masters. They mass multiplied them and spread them across their empire. They even created generals, special soldiers that were very powerful and more advanced in design. They had an unstoppable force."

"Wily, this better have a point." I interrupted.

"Yes, yes. But it seemed they made them too well. Their autonomous intelligence leaded the generals to pursue a new purpose. They began to make slight rebellions, slowly crumbling their army. The aliens, seeking to prevent a catastrophe, took the most emergency precautions they could. They destroyed the plans for making more robots, and jettisoned the technology that still used those plans off-world, on unspecified routes. Unfortunately, it would seem they were too late."

He looked up at the ceiling. "Their robotic army held a full revolution. This species had been able to capture entire planets, but their creations were too much for even them. They were overrun, and before it had even begun, their species was slaughtered. An empire hundreds of times the scale of Rome fell in a day."

He turned to me. "Only one of them remained. And upon safely arriving on this planet, I have but one goal: to create an army that can restore my home."

This time I did lower my buster. "What...?"

He spread his arms, and his body suddenly burst with light. I turned my eyes away for a second before looking back, to find a large green creature floating in the air. It was a pretty typical alien look, all things considered. Its hands and feet were large three-digit appendages, it had one of those semi exposed rib-cages, and the head resembled a football in shape, with incredibly bright red eyes seeming to pierce through me from several feet away. 

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