Ch. 20 Spearpoint Part 2

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Michael was used to weird things happening with Rock, but sometimes he wished he didn't have to get thrown into them.

The power went out instantly, bathing the room in darkness. Michael blinked in surprise, and called out into the black. "What was that?"

There was no response.

He stood up, trying to adjust his eyes to the change in lighting. He blinked a few times, and vague silhouettes became visible. He could see the couch, and the television, and what seemed like Elec Man sitting lying back against the couch. 

He reached out. "Hey, you alright?"

Elec Man remained incredibly rigid. Michael slowly reached out and pushed him a little. The robot fell softly in the direction it had been moved.

Swallowing only a small amount of his fear, he stood and looked around, finding lying on the ground inactive.

He swallowed. "This is not good." He looked around. "Hello? Dr. Light? Roll?...Tempo? Tempo, can you hear me?"

He started to try to think. "So the power is out. All of the robots are down. Tempo doesn't seem to be here, so she must have wandered somewhere and I just didn't notice."

A small whirring could be heard from a room nearby.

"Alright, just keep yourself together, we gotta do something about this. I guess the first thing to do would be to find Dr. Light."

Michael stood up, and, carefully maneuvering in the darkness, made his way to a set of stairs. "I got this..." He muttered.


There was a bit of a commotion erupting outside of Light Labs. In an instant, all of the lights nearby had gone out, and people's cell phones had all completely powered down. Light's microphone was no longer working, so it was difficult for him to say anything.

A group of policemen keeping watch had come closer to Light after the incident had occurred. People were beginning to become worried about what was happening.

Light swallowed and wiped his forehead. "Oh my...what are we going to do?"

He suddenly heard something. It was a voice he recognized, and he spun towards it.

One of the policemen was holding back a teenager. Someone that looked like...

"Michael." Light muttered to himself. He moved towards him. "Wait! It's fine! I know him!"

The policemen looked at him curiously, but obliged. Michael ran up to Light.

"Dr. Light, we have a problem."

"What else is wrong?" Light asked.

"I'm not sure why, but all the power went out, and Elec Man and Rock are out cold. It's as if they're completely deactivated."


"Yeah, and I haven't seen Tempo since it happened either. I don't know what to do, I managed to get down using the stair exits."

Light frowned.

"Hmm. Well, I need to think. It seems like all the power on devices and robots in a considerable radius has disappeared. All the lights are out, and nothing electronic is working. The only logical explanation I can think of Electro Magnetic Pulse. But why would there be one?"

"I dunno. But what do you think I should do?"

Light rubbed his forehead for a moment. "Well, do you think you could be able to get back to my lab up there?"

"I think so."

"Then do that. I have something I need you to do. In my work bench in the laboratory area, you should find a small lantern. It's electrical, but it's hand cranked, so the wave shouldn't have affected it. There will be a cord wrapped around it, and I want you to take both to Elec Man. There's a port on the back of his neck, which the cord should fit into. Connect one end to him, and the other to the lantern."

"Um, why exactly?" Michael asked.

"Elec Man is designed to conduct and manipulate electricity, and so he uses far less energy more efficiently than the other Robot Masters. He should only need a small amount of energy to get himself going, and then he will most likely be able to sustain himself. But anyway, do you understand?"

"Sure do. BRB."

Light looked at him as he ran off. "I need to find out what these things mean."


Michael stepped carefully through the laboratory. The only light he had at the moment was coming in through the skylight above, and since it was dark out, that didn't help much.

He walked around, stepping over what he could see (and usually not stepping over what he couldn't). He tried to keep himself together. "We'll figure out what to do. Just need to get this thing and go."

He swallowed as he heard a dripping sound from somewhere in the room.

"It's...probably just a leak. Right?" He quickened his pace slightly.

After a few moments of navigating the materials, he found the desk, and sure enough, the lamp was there. He grabbed it and began walking back, simultaneously cranking the lantern to get some light.

He held it up and looked around. There was a lot of stuff on the ground, but he noticed something he hadn't before. A strange black substance in puddles all over the room. He bent over towards one, and took a small sniff of it.

"Oil. Huh. Guess Light would need this to keep the good old Robot Masters going." He straightened up and grabbed his lamp again. "Wonder why he needs so much of it."

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.


Dr. Light rubbed his forehead. Reporters could be particularly annoying, it seemed, even if they didn't have access to their cameras or microphones.

"Dr. Light!"

"Do you have any ideas on what's happened here?"

"Could this be related to your companion Albert Wily?"

"Is this in anyway connected to the Robot Master that is still staying here?"

He held up a hand. "Please. I don't know what is going on, who or what is causing it, or why. I am aware that whatever it is seems to have knocked out anything electronic, whether connected to power lines or not. That is all."

He moved back, and thankfully the police bodyguards stepped between him and the reporters.

As he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe sweat from his face, he suddenly heard a loud pop. He looked over towards the crowd, who all began turning the same way. Just beyond the edge of the crowd, what seemed like a small firework had gone off. A disabled car had been moved there, where a man was getting on top of it.

The man wore a strange, military like uniform, but it certainly didn't look like any Light had seen. Of course, the most distinguishing feature of the man was the fact that an eye patch covered one eye.

He stood confidently on top of the vehicle for a moment, then began speaking.

"Hello to you all. I understand you must be confused as to what is happening. Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt any of you. But there is something that I would very much like to talk to all of you about. Something we really need to discuss."

He looked directly at Doctor Light. "Something called, 'Robot Masters.'"

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