#HistFicZFic: Hercules 11.5 Labor

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As we know the witching hour is 3 am to 4 am. So it shouldn't have been all that surprising what happened 3 pm on September 7, 1251 BC. This story starts a few hours earlier, when a legendary figure was born.

In Thebes, a young mother, Alcmena was writing in pain. She knew her labor would be painful, but she didn't know it would this painful. Hera was most definitely upset that she was going bear her husband, Zeus another child. She felt like her insides were ripping open. She had thought she would go into labor soon, but her children wouldn't come out. Alcmena knew it was probably Hera trying to not allow her to give birth to Zeus's child. It felt like hours had passed before she was finally able to give birth to her child. She named Zeus' child Alcides and her, husband's, Amphitryon, Iphicles. Alcmena knew Alcides was special. He would have to have something of his father.

In the Oracle's cave, Tiresias, had a vision. He saw death walking, a special child, a plage, a savior, darkness. He didn't know what it meant, but he knew who the child was. He understood that something terrible was coming and the child must survive.

At the same time, a young sorceress, Mira, had the same image. Except she had a curse that allowed her to see the future in very clear detail. The child, he was familiar. But from where? Now she remembered. His parents used Tiresias' visions. He was so unreliable. He could only give bits and pieces of information. Yet, everyone went to him. They never came to Mira. Mira sighed, this was not a time for envy. The world was at stake here. Mira called upon a wind spirit and asked him to deliver a message. Once Hercules was born, he and his mother had to leave. She didn't need Hercules having double memories. That would mess up the entire time web. Mira quickly gathered her staff, Ruby Mirror, and her Future Mirror. She then opened a portal to her Iron lair.


Hercules had just entered the cave that led to the Underworld. He was a slight bit relieved, but at the same time a bit nervous. He was almost done repenting for his sins, but at the same time, he was about to embark on his most dangerous task and may die.

He continued down the path, meeting many people and creatures. Some fought him and were in turn killed. Others were friendly and gave him no trouble. Some paid him no mind. He continued going down when he reached a dead end. No, he looked closer and saw a door in the stone wall. Was this the entrance to the Underworld? Hercules opened the door, expecting to find the dead and ghosts that was the Underworld.

Instead he was greeted with a beautiful woman. She was sitting on small pillow, her long hair wrapped around the base. She was sitting so still that Hercules thought she was dead. Then she spoke. "Come, sit my dear," her voice was airy and magical. Hercules sat, thoughts of his current quest struggling to stay his main focus. He was so entranced by this women.

"Hercules, you must save yourself."

What? Hercules was confused. Was she saying that he would die trying to complete his next task?

"I need you to walk through this mirror and defeat the great peril that stands there," there was a slight sense of urgency in her voice, but her calm and cool demeanor stuck.

"Walk through a mirror! You must be insane!" Hercules erupted.

The woman, unfazed by his words raised her staff and spoke, "Ruby Mirror, open for my companion and I." Her words produced a slight red tint that the mirror absorbed. The mirror shimmered and the woman stood and pulled Hercules along with her. She was surprisingly strong.

Hercules was being dragged by a women whose hair probably doubled her weight. He was very embarrassed that she had enough strength to drag him. He just had to ask, maybe there was a reasonable explanation that wouldn't hurt his pride as much. "How-," he was cut off by the woman.

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