Disaster for the Better

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It was incredibly windy outside. It was uncalled for. Screams were heard as it came into view. People were running away but there was no escape. It came ever so quietly. You wouldn't even know it was there until it was right behind you, ready to strike one more down. 5 minutes later there was complete silence. Dead silent. The town was in ruins. There was the wail of a baby and the soothing voice of a young child. A living organism had escaped the destruction. A girl of about 7 years of age and a boy about 3 years old. That was 8 years ago. Now this force has been reborn.

Silently it moved across the plains. It was heading toward the city, picking up speed. The dust whirled around on the ground, rising up. 2 days. It was only 2 days before it reached the city. It would bring destruction with it.

He was creeping toward the fruit stand. It was a little before dawn. Under the cover of darkness he was almost unseen. As he neared the stand he was choosing carefully which fruit he wanted. Looking around, making sure there is no one around. After quickly grabbing 3 apples, 2 oranges, and a peach he shoves them in a sack. Feeling guilty he also leaves 3 silver coins on the counter. He then rushes home.

As he enters he hears a voice say, "Damien is that you?" I sighed with relief. It's just my sister, Summer. As I walk into the room, tension fills the air. "What's wrong?" I ask. Summer sighs and shows me our money pouch. I take it and realize there is something very wrong. The bag is very light. I stick my hand inside and feel only a couple coins left. "I'm looking for a job to get some more," Summer says, referring to the money. "I'll go to the shelter," I say, "they might loan us a few coins. There's food in the sack." I tossed the sack to Summer.

I walk out of the house and start across the plain toward the city. If anything were to happen to the house we would have to go back to the shelter. It was so dusty and smelled like moldy cheese. I shuddered at the thought of going back there. Ever since our parents died, Summer and I had been living in the house alone. I would go into the city everyday for food. I wouldn't be able to pay for the food in full but I payed a little. It's not stealing if I pay for it right? Summer would keep the house clean. She would also try and find a good job to get some money. Summer occasionally went to the library in the city. It was her home away from home.

I reached the shelter, only to see a man putting up boards on the window. I walk up to the man and ask."Where are you going?" He looks at me like he knows something that I don't. After a moment he replies, "We're leaving the city for a few days." I was about to ask about the children that lived there. The man continued what he was saying, "We're taking the children with us." I decide to leave and look through the city.

All the houses look deserted. There were a couple people just leaving. Even the man who lives in the alleyway is gone. 'Where is everyone?', I thought, 'There's a nice old lady up ahead! I should ask her.'

I walk up nervously. "Ma'am," the lady turns her head, "could you please tell me why everyone is leaving?" The woman looks at me and smiles sadly. "You don't know, do you? Where are your parents?" I take a deep breath and reply, "What don't I know? And my parents are dead." Suddenly, the woman looked even sadder. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she looks up at the sky and says, "A tornado's coming. Everyone is either in their basement, the next city to get better supplies, or they decided to leave town for a few days."

Upon hearing this news I run back home to warn Summer. I reached the house and slowed down. I enter the house frantically looking for Summer. I reach the doorway to her bedroom. "What's wrong?" She asks. Out of breath and panting I reply one word, "Tornado." Summer looks scared, really scared. She takes a few deep breaths, calming herself down. "What supplies will we need? What do we have?" she mutters to herself. Summer goes down into the basement. She's probably looking for a book on tornadoes or natural disasters. I decide to get something to eat. I take a red apple, clean it on my shirt, then I devour the apple in seconds.

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